“One Who Eats Cow Dung Is Upper Caste – ‘Crossbelt’, One Who Eats Cow Is Lower Caste”: Coimbatore CSI Immanuel Church Pastor Derogates Hindus, Especially Brahmins During Sermon

On 16 June 2024, during the Sunday service at CSI Immanuel Church in Coimbatore, the father made some extremely derogatory Hinduphobic, especially anti-Brahmin comments. What started as a sermon describing how worship strengthens Christianity, and that worship must become one’s lifestyle, he very tactically veered into derogating Sanathana Dharma.

Explaining some verses from the Bible about untouchability, he suddenly started talking about Sanatana Dharma and Hindus. He said, Today it is the 2 descendants who are ruling the world, one is Abraham’s descendants and the other Ishmael’s descendants. Christians and Muslims are the ones ruling the world. Here people talk about Sanatanam and spirituality. They eat dumplings (kozhakattai) and coconut meat (Thenga moodi), and they drink cow urine. What is spirituality in this? They say those who eat beef are lower caste while those who drink cow urine are upper caste. Do they even have brains? One who eats cow dung is upper caste, “crossbelt” (a derogatory reference to one wearing sacred thread janeu/poonool) – the one who eats the cow that gives this cow dung is lower caste.”

He further said, “The only race which eats dung lives here. No other race in the entire world eats dung. Only in India do they eat the dung and drink the urine. We have such a disgusting race in India, and he proudly says that he came from Lord Brahma’s head. If you came from the head, why are you eating what fell on the ground? The one who comes from the head must stand on his head. We all stand in front of the cow, but these people stand behind the cow waiting for it to lift its tail. And they call us savage. They call us uncivilized people and say don’t touch them; they are untouchable. We feel ashamed to touch them, they do such dirty things.”

Towards the end of the sermon where he was describing how a character from the Bible verse he was explaining asked for water, he again delved into making Hinduphobic remarks. He said, Water is a big problem here. Go to the villages and see, you cannot draw water from any well just like that. If you do that, they will chop you into pieces and put you inside the same well. It used to be like that at one point in time. There used to be a well for the village, a well for the slum (Cheri), and one well for every place. You cannot take water from a well that is not yours. You cannot drink any water, as if they discovered water. God gave us water. He gave it to everyone. Nature is for everyone but these people took it away and created rules. They created water politics. Even today it is occurring.” And then he continues his sermon. He ended the sermon with the comment that Jesus was a very progressive person who never cared about anything and defied all rules (of untouchability and such).

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