Ma Venkatesan appointed as Chairman of National Commission for Safai Karamcharis

Writer Ma Venkatesan has been appointed as the Chairman of the National Commission for Safai Karamcharis.

The commission is a statutory body that was formed in 1994 for matters concerning the Safai Karamcharis’ welfare and makes recommendations to the government. For the first time, NCSK was constituted as a statutory body under the NCSK ACT, 1993.

The Chairperson and Members of the Commission travel around the country to study the socio-economic and living conditions of Safai Karamcharis and their dependents. During their visits, the members of the Commission interact with the Safai Karamcharis ― both individually as well as through their representative associations. The grievances of the Safai Karamcharis are then taken up by the Commission with the concerned local civil and police authorities.

Ma Venkatesan has been appointed as the Chairman of this committee. He is a Tamil writer well known for his work ‘EVR-in Maruppakkam’, translating to ‘The Other Side of EVR’, a critique on the ideals of of E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker, known as ‘Periyar’ by his followers. The book was an instant best seller. He holds an MA in Philosophy and studied at the Vivekananda College, Chennai. He has written four books on Dalit issues and is known for his literary contributions towards the upliftment of the Dalit community.

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