DMK cadre creates ruckus demanding return of seized vehicle from Police in Colachel

An incident involving a DMK cadre demanding the return of a two-wheeler seized for breaching curfew laws has sparked outrage in Colachel, Kanyakumari district.

Police officers inspecting vehicles passing through the Colachel Beach Junction area in the Kanyakumari district confiscated vehicles from people who were roaming outside in violation of the curfew laws.

A person whose bike had been confiscated by police approached Ruban, a DMK office bearer and chairman of the Colachel Fishermen’s Co-operative Society, and requested him to recover his two-wheeler from the police. Ruben, who arrived shortly afterward, got into an argument with police during a vehicle search.

There was a ruckus in the Beach Junction area when Ruben demanded that the Police restore the impounded two-wheeler.

(with inputs from NewsJ)

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