US no place for Commies: Communist party members from any foreign country barred from settling down as they are ‘incompatible with American ethos’

In a major policy decision, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has issued strict guidance in its Policy Manual which states that anyone who has membership or affiliation with the ‘Communist Party or any other totalitarian party’ their application for citizenship will be inadmissible.
In an official release on Friday, USCIS had said “that membership or affiliation with the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party is inconsistent and incompatible with the ‘Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America’, which includes pledging to support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States“.
“The new policy manual section provides guidance on how to adjudicate inadmissibility due to membership in the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party in the context of adjustment of status applications,” the release said.
In general, unless otherwise exempt, any intending immigrant who is a member or affiliate of the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible to the United States. This addition to the policy manual will help officers adjudicate this inadmissibility ground consistent with federal law, it added.

China which is the last major communist superpower is right now involved in a power tussle with the US and its wrong trade practices and the Wuhan virus has further deteriorated the relationship. Over the years many Chinese have emigrated to the US and thousands of Chinese students are studying in hundreds of universities.

However, China’s treatment of its religious minorities and the draconian Hong Kong security legislation, the handling of the COVID-19 and its treatment of Uygur Muslims have played a major role in this important decision.

Many Communist Party members of India and other countries who on a daily bases hurl abuses towards the US but at the same time desire to migrate and obtain US citizenship will now be denied this opportunity.