In a tragic incident, Gandhimathi, the 56-year-old temple elephant of the renowned Nellaiappar Temple in Tirunelveli,…
Tag: nellaiappar temple
Hindu Munnani Slams Authorities Over Beef Biryani Stall And Signboard Erected Near Nellaiappar Temple’s Vinayagar Chariot
The Hindu Munnani has strongly criticized the HRCE Department, the Nellaiappar Temple administration, and local municipality…
“This Is Bad Omen, Never Happened In The Last 518 Years”: Nellaiappar Temple Chariot’s Rope Snaps While Pulling, Devotees Slam HR&CE For Poor Quality Ropes
The highly anticipated Aani car festival at the Swami Nellaiyappar Gandhimathi Ambal Temple began on a…