Bhagyanagar Police Attempt To Stop Ayyappa Puja On Christmas Day In The Name Of “Loud Noise”

On Christmas Day, an incident in Kandlakoya village sparked outrage among the Hindu community after Medchal…

Why Hyderabad Should Be Renamed As Bhagyanagar (or) Bhagnagar

What’s in a name? Restoration of lost pride, reclaimed honour, the healing of old wounds, a…

Communists’ losing streak continues: NOTA gets more votes than both Communist parties in GHMC polls

After the debacle of the two main Communist parties – Communist Party of India (CPI) and…

GHMC polls: From 4 to 49, BJP puts up an impressive show in ‘Bhagyanagar’

The results of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) elections has given a jolt to not…