Muslim police officer in UK posts racists messages on Twitter, was in regular contact with female jihadi

In another case of blatant hatred and bigotry, a Muslim police officer who was once hailed…

Man yells anti-Semitic slurs to a rabbi, drops bag full of human feces in front of synagogue in Florida

As the left-liberals and Islamists in America openly showcased their anti-Semitism due to the Israeli counter-attack…

Left Liberalism and rabid Islamism provides a deadly combination for anti-Semitism in US

If anti-Semitism is a variety of racism, it is a most peculiar variety, with many unique…

China state broadcaster CGTN spews anti-Semitism on the ongoing violence in Gaza

The Israeli embassy in China has protested against state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) for blatant…

CNN sacks long time Pakistani columnist Adeel Raja who applauded Hitler for killing millions of Jews

International news outlet CNN had to sack Pakistani columnist Adeel Raja after he posted tweets justifying…

Germany to remove Nazi sounding phonetics from its alphabet

During the Nazi invasion, a lot of Jewish sounding alphabets and phonetics had been replaced by…