Rajdeep Sardesai tries to defame BJP, ends up exposing Congress

Rajdeep Sardesai, of India Today group had on July 1 put out a tweet claiming that a hospital in Davanagere in Karnataka had not paid salaries to its doctors for 16 months in apparently pointing fingers at the BJP government in the state. He took a dig at the Prime Minister’s call for Junta Curfew who had asked the people of India to show solidarity to frontliners fighting the virus by clapping, ringing bells, etc and said that “There is no point in saluting corona warriors, beating Thalis if basic stipends/salaries are not paid on time”.


However, it has emerged that the said hospital named JJM Medical College belongs to Congress man Sri. Shamanur Shivashankarappa, who is also the MLA of Davanagere South Assembly Constituency.

Dr. Shamanur Shivashankarappa is also the Hon. Secretary of the hospital.