Puthiya Tamilagam Party head calls for linking of social media accounts with Aadhaar

Dr. K. Krishnasamy, founder leader of the Puthiya Tamilagam Party has said that regulation of social media accounts is the need of the hour to curb fake news and other crimes happening in the society.

He said that social media being misused for inappropriate purposes is the reason for the increase in crimes. He added that anything that is left unregulated would be detrimental to the society.

“Social media should be regulated not restricted. There is a difference between the two. Today, one person is creating multiple accounts anonymously and even impersonating in social media platforms like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. They keep spreading fake news and lies. If this keeps continuing, where will this society head to?”, Dr. Krishnasamy said.

He said that any person who is opening a social media account should be made to submit his/her Aadhaar details.