DMK man who is accused of murdering a young woman is still absconding

Sasikala, a young woman working in a private company and a native of Nainaar Kuppam was sexually harassed and later killed by Devendran as she refused to give in to his sexual urges.

The DMK man along with his brother Purushotthaman had secretly filmed her and threatened to spread it on social media. Both of them reportedly tortured the woman to satisfy their sexual desires. Sasikala had refused to budge and warned them of telling her parents. Enraged, the DMK office bearer killed her and made it look like she committed suicide by hanging herself.

Initially, the incident was seen as a suicide however, Sasikala’s brother had raised doubts over her death and ffiled a complaint with the police.

On Sunday, the 39 year old Purushottaman surrendered at the Kancheepuram Superintendent of Police office.

However, Devendran, the DMK youth wing officer bearer is still absconding.