Christain pastors in Andhra Pradesh refuse govt honorarium fearing loss of their SC status

Christain pastors in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh have reportedly said that they do not want honorariums from the Government of Andhra Pradesh due to fear of losing their Schedule Caste status.

Legal Rights Protection Forum (LRPF), an legal activism group had raised this issue, wherein they exposed that those who had converted to Christianity are still holding on to their SC certificates to avail all the benefits. 

Earlier in September 2020, an investigation by LRPF revealed that 70% of the 29,841 Christian pastors, who received one-time government honorarium of ₹5,000 through the Disaster Relief Fund, hold Scheduled Caste / Other Backward Caste certificates illegally. The SC/OBC certificates are given only to practising Hindus.

In light of this, Christian pastors in the state are not applying for the government honorarium in order to enjoy the benefits of Scheduled Caste status.

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