“Are we not part of Muslim ‘Ummah’?”, ask Uyghurs as Taliban plans to handover them to China for money

After the international Islamic terror group, Al Qaeda congratulated the Taliban victory in Afghanistan and called for the “liberation” of Kashmir, Palestine, Maghreb (Northwest Africa) from the “clutches of the enemies of Islam” and called on the Ummah (global Islamic community) to come together, it has emerged that the Taliban could hand over Uyghur Muslims to China for money.

After the Taliban took over Kabul on August 15, there is now a growing apprehension in the Uyghurs living in Afghanistan who fear they will be sent back to China and in return receive large sums of money.

At present, some two thousand Uyghur Muslims are living in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and already there are reports that the Taliban fighters have taken your Uygher girls according to a report by Radio Free Asia.

It must be noted that Al Qaeda which still has close ties with the Taliban and the dreaded Haqqani Network did not say anything when it came to the treatment of the Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang in China but had no problem calling on the masses in “Europe and East Asia to break free from the shackles of American hegemony”. 

China looks at the Uyghur as secessionists which the Communist regime in Bejing will never tolerate and already over ten lakh ethnic Uyghurs are inside the so-called re-education camps which in reality are the Nazi-style concentration camps.

For China the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), an Uyghur militant group is a serious internal threat and it is known that fighters from ETIM helped the Taliban invade Afghanistan. 

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