All India Imams Council threatens to desecrate Ram Mandir and turn Ayodhya into Kaaba

The All India Imams Council has threatened to desecrate the idols in the Ramjanmabhoomi in Ayodhya and turn it into Kaaba, in a provocative speech made during a march to the Office of the Accountant General in Thiruvananthapuram . This video went viral on social media.

State vice-president Fatehuddin Rashadi, had threatened during his speech that if it was possible in Kaaba, where they had destroyed the temples to make it the home of Allah, it was doable in Ayodhya as well. He added that they would then arrange for Khutbah to be performed there. He also states that they will organise Namaz after transforming temple into a mosque.

“Kaaba is evidence for this. If it happened in Kaaba where over 3000 idols were deracinated, the same can happen in Ayodhya also. All those idols were thrown away and Kaaba became the home of Allah overnight,” he said, adding that the same would happen in Ayodhya also.

The All India Imams Council is an outfit of the radical Islamist organization Popular Front of India. It is being demanded that a case should be filed against him under the National Security Act.