#MeToo accused lyricist Vairamuthu is back in the news, this time exposing his Dravidianist ideology on social media platform X. On 2 July 2024, a stampede occurred at a religious congregation in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh. The death toll reached 121, with 28 injured, as reported on 3 July 2024. The incident occurred during a Satsang/prayer meeting led by spiritual guru Narayan Sakar Hari, which drew over one lakh attendees, primarily women.
Since this gathering was related to the Hindu community, sexual harassment accused Vairamuthu had to comment. He made a long post on his social media handle on X. In the post, he stated that he was offering condolences to the dead as well as the rituals – hinting at Hindu customs. He further wrote that this stampede occurred at a gathering to touch the feet of the spiritual guru (mockingly). He further stated that there was no difference between alcohol intoxication and religious intoxication, and they were merely synonyms. he further mocked stating that a country that does not progress in education, economy, and rational thinking, will continue to see incidents like Hathras.
ஆன்மிக நெரிசலில்
அத்துணை உயிர்களுக்கும்
அஞ்சலி செலுத்துகிறேன்சடலங்களுக்கு மட்டுமல்ல
சடங்குகளுக்கும் சேர்த்தே
காலடி மண்ணைக்
கவரவேண்டும் என்றுதான்
ஒருவர் காலடியில் ஒருவர்
— வைரமுத்து (@Vairamuthu) July 3, 2024
However, Vairamuthu never spoke a word about any instances involving Muslims or Islam. When Haj pilgrims died of a heat wave earlier this year, he did not post anything about the issue. Instead, he posted something randomly about some gun he was wielding.
நான் ஏந்தியிருக்கும்
எஸ்.ஐ.ஜி 550 துப்பாக்கி
ஏ.கே 47ஐக் கடைந்தெடுத்தது
மற்றும் கடந்ததுஎடை குறைந்த
இயக்க எளிதான
துல்லியத் துப்பாக்கி இதுசுவிட்சர்லாந்து
பள்ளிக் கல்வியில்
இது வீரப் பயிற்சிக்கு
ராணுவ சேவைக்கு
விதையிடுகிறதுஇந்தப் பயிற்சி
தன்னம்பிக்கை ஊட்டித்… pic.twitter.com/Z0ErFMMjEg— வைரமுத்து (@Vairamuthu) June 20, 2024
For Dravidianists, mocking Hindu rituals and spiritual gurus is a favourite pastime.
Vairamuthu had even questioned the birth of Lord Rama. In the video, speaking in an unknown and undated function, Vairamuthu says he wrote a poem about Ram Mandir in which he asks whether Ram is a human or an Avatar (of God). He further said, “Avatar means to descend from above, one who is not tainted by pregnancy. He does not need tools like indriyam (sense organs) or pregnancy, and he descends directly from above. So, if (Lord Rama) is an Avatar, then he was never born, and why does he need a birthplace? Or, if he was born to Dasharatha and Kaushalya, then he is a human. If he is a human, then why does he need a temple? Nobody has answered these two questions. As a secular person, a person who respects all religions, and as a humanist, I have said this and there has been no answer to this opinion.”
He then proceeds to heap praises on fellow poet Kavikko S. Abdul Rahman, who was also the ex-chairman of the Waqf board in Tamil Nadu and quotes a poem of his in which he questioned which religion asks humans to kill fellow humans in the name of God. Vairamuthu then goes on to say, ‘forget that he is a Muslim, forget Hinduism and Christianity, all that he (Abdul Rahman) asks is to awaken the humanism inside the humans’. He then goes on to say as age increases, his wisdom has also increased, and he wishes to live until he is 110 years old not to enjoy but to understand the people and the world. He then added that 80 years is not the beginning of old age but the fruition of youth.
.@rajnathsingh .@DefenceMinIndia Sir get someone who can translate this speech about Lord Rama by Vairamuthu, this is not only just Hindu bashing this speech was made in a function felicitating Kaviko Abdul Rahman hope you understand his intentions 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 pic.twitter.com/AFVcgz5nQZ
— Vishwatma 🇮🇳 ( மோடியின் குடும்பம் ) (@HLKodo) December 26, 2019
In 2021, he penned a song that romanticizes pedophilia. The song was about a school-going girl in love with a grey-haired old ‘poet’ and was filmed with actor Anika Surendran, who was 16 years old at that time.
In 2018, Vairamuthu had called the only female Azhwar, Andal, as a ‘dasi’ (prostitute) who served at the Srirangam Ranganathaswamy Temple. “Andal herself is a Devadasi who lived and died in the Sri Rangam Temple”, Vairamuthu had said quoting a book by one Subhash Chandra Malik.
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