In a recent incident at a blood donation camp held in Tindivanam, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu, Minister for Forests and DMK Deputy General Secretary Dr Ponmudi found himself at the centre of controversy. During the event, organized to mark the birthday of Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, Ponmudi’s sandal fell off while climbing the steps of a private hall. The subsequent actions of a DMK executive, captured on video, have sparked widespread criticism.
Villupuram North District DMK organized the blood donation camp at a private venue. Several DMK leaders, including former minister Gingee Masthan, were present alongside Minister Ponmudi, who inaugurated the event. While climbing the stairs with his hand on Mastan’s shoulder, Ponmudi’s left sandal came loose, causing him to stop.
In the video, a DMK cadre is seen bending down to fix the sandal on Ponmudi’s foot. This act, caught on camera, has now gone viral, with critics questioning why the minister did not adjust the sandal himself. The footage has reignited debates over perceptions of hierarchy and behavior within the DMK party.
The video has drawn sharp criticism, with many questioning Ponmudi’s reluctance to fix his sandal himself and suggesting that the act symbolizes excessive subservience within the party ranks. Social media users have widely shared the video, calling it emblematic of a deeper culture of sycophancy.
Ponmudi’s History of Controversies
This incident is the latest in a string of controversies surrounding Minister Ponmudi, who represents the Thirukovilur constituency and serves as the Minister in charge of Villupuram district.
- Remarks on Women’s Travel: While speaking at a function recently, DMK Minister K. Ponmudi belittlingly reminded women members in the audience about the ‘free bus scheme for women’ introduced by Stalin government. He had said, “For you only 4000 rupees per card. Did he (Stalin) give or not? You got it right? Open your mouth and say. You got 4000 right? How are you going in bus today? If you want to go from here to Koyambedu or anywhere, you are going in ‘OC’ (free). You are going in ‘OC’ bus.”, he said.
- Insensitive Comments: During a public meeting, when a woman raised concerns about drinking water, he reportedly dismissed her with the phrase “Eva Eva” (a dismissive term in Tamil), drawing public ire.
- “Keep Quiet” To Narikaruvar: He tried to silence a distressed resident of cyclone-hit Villupuram in Dwcember 2024 during a video call with Chief Minister Stalin. While reassuring Stalin that conditions were under control, a man interrupted to voice concerns about the lack of homes, shelter, and ration cards. Ponmudi reacted angrily, turning the phone away and telling the man to “keep quiet.” The individual persisted, highlighting the ongoing struggles of his community, but was dismissed.
- “Shut Up And Sit Down”: In 2023, Ponmudi publicly yelled at a woman who tried to give him a petition during a gathering in Tirukovilur, telling her to “shut up and sit down” in an angry and mocking tone. He then attempted to deflect the situation by asking irrelevant questions about her husband, and when she revealed he had passed away, Ponmudi sarcastically remarked, “He has passed away? So sad,” with a laugh.
Dr. Ponmudi, a senior leader within the DMK, was recently reassigned from the Higher Education Ministry to the Forest Ministry during a cabinet reshuffle. The shift came amidst ongoing controversies tied to his public conduct.
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