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USCIRF and Madras University conniving together to spread hatred

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is a U.S. federal government commission created by the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) of 1998. USCIRF Commissioners are appointed by the President and the leadership of both political parties in the Senate and the House of Representatives. USCIRF’s principal responsibilities are to review the facts and circumstances of violations of religious freedom internationally and to make policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State, and the Congress.

The USCIRF assumes itself the role of the global guardian, with the same ‘vulgar and permanent’ spirit of Kipling lurking in the dark background.

The virus that kills other faiths – USCIRF

It is odd that the US, isolated for centuries from various faiths and cultures, believes it has a better understanding of multi-cultural society than India which has a long history of being melting pot of different cultures. Maligning ancient cultures and trying to make the believers of ancient faiths apologetic about their own faith through fake rhetoric and manufactured narratives has been a long-tested strategy that the Church had used in erasing Roman Paganism from the face of this planet.

The USCIRF does not seem to be doing anything different here. They publish shoddy reports every year, rather take it on themselves to writing letters to independent sovereign governments regarding stray incidents without any facts.

Well we can take the latest narrative they set on Gujarat hospital reporting that different beds have been provided to Muslim and Hindus who have been admitted in the corona ward but the fact turned out to be different.

As per the latest article in The Sunday Guardian professors affiliated with the University of California at Davis, Butler University, St. Michael’s College at Toronto, and Elon University are planning to hold an overwhelmingly Hindu-phobic conference in July this year at the University of Madras that is fraudulently titled “Conference in the Study of Religions of India”. The Convener is listed as James Ponniah of the Department of Christian Studies. This conference is an attempt to spread hatred for Indic faiths and is about to be clandestinely held at the University of Madras

Upon receiving the information, when the ABVP contacted Vice Chancellor of Madras University and the Head of the Department regarding the conference they refused to give a reply. There is not even a mention of this conference of bigots in the mainstream media.

Such events are conducted to malign the image of our country in the international arena and should not be entertained. Stern action need to be taken against the conveners.

I take this opportunity to urge the Government of India and Government of Tamil Nadu to cancel the permission given to this conference.

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