USCIRF, A Self-Appointed Guardian Of Religious Freedom Having Christian Supremacists As Office Bearers With Ties To Islamic Terror Orgs, Supports Khalistani Terrorists

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is a U.S. federal government commission created…

A Rejoinder To TNM: A Missionary Propaganda Legitimizing Proselytization Passed Off As ‘Hindus Persecuting Christians’

In yet another instance of psychologically manipulating Hindus into doubting their own sanity, leftist and Dravidian…

Severe blow to ‘minorities under attack’ narrative peddlers: US Govt rejects USCIRF recommendation to list India as ‘Country of Particular Concern’

Serving as a death blow to those peddling ‘minorities under attack’ narrative peddlers, the United States…

Massive conspiracy by Christian missionary NGO to show India in bad light unearthed

Persecution Relief, an organization claiming to help ‘persecuted’ Christians in India has been working clandestinely and…

Tables turn: USCIRF team denied visa to India

The team from the racist, bigoted and the highly deplorable body United States Commission for International…

USCIRF and Madras University conniving together to spread hatred

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is a U.S. federal government commission created…

Perpetrating prejudice and hate in times of a pandemic, Madras University might host USCIRF’s Hinduphobic conference

The United States Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), one of the highly deplorable bodies masquerading…