TN HRCE Mired In Controversy Surrounding Sacred Tree Removal At Kachabeswarar Temple In Kanchipuram

Kanchipuram renowned as the temple city is home to various sacred shrines and architectural marvels, and Kanchi Kachabeshwarar Temple is one such significant site. In this temple, during the month of Karthikai, a lamp pooja is traditionally performed that is believed to cure various diseases and ailments, draws tens of thousands of devotees.

The Kachabeshwarar temple in Kanchipuram boasts a history of 1600 years and is currently undergoing renovation for consecration ceremony. Unique trees within the temple premises, such as the Nagalingam tree, Chara kondrai tree, Vanni tree, Mango tree, Neem tree, and the Vilva tree are linked to a 200-year-old royal tradition used for Shiva worship.

In Kanchi Puranam it is said that “அக்காஞ்சியில் நீங்காது அமர்ந்திடும் கொன்றைவார் சடையனைக் கச்சபேசன் தனைக் கும்பிடச் சென்றவர் கண்டவர் கருதினர் யாவரும் தீது தீர்ந்து ஒன்றி ஒன்றா நிலை மாறிலா முத்தி பெற்றுய்வரே”
(Legend says that on that day when one bowed down to the slayer of the slayer seated in Kanchi (Kachabesan), one would receive an eternal blessing)

However, a significant concern has arisen among devotees, alleging that Natarajan, an executive officer of the Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Department (HR&CE) has indiscriminately cut down trees in this revered temple and said the trees would be utilized in the Yagasalai (ceremonial fire pit) set up for the Kudamuzhakku (Consecration) ceremony.

This caused widespread dismay among the devotees, and philanthropists which drew sharp criticism directed towards the authorities responsible for the decision, particularly in light of the considerable financial investment made by those who constructed the expansive yagasalai. Questions also arose about the availability of funds for such a grand endeavor while lacking the resources to procure firewood for the ceremonial fire pit (Gundam). Devotees are calling on the HR&CE to reconsider the decision and either preserve the sanctity of the temple or provide a valid rationale for the tree removal.

In response to this situation, Hindu Munani state spokesperson Ilangovan issued a statement of condemnation regarding the issue and various social activists from Kanchipuram submitted a petition during the People’s Grievance Day meeting at the Collectorate in Kanchipuram. The petition calls for action against officials of the HR&CE department who allegedly acted in violation of government rules and requested the issuance of a circular by the department to prevent such incidents in any temple.

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