TN govt orders total ban of plastic bags used for storing junk food

Single use plastics used for packaging junk foods like chips, biscuits, etc., have been banned by Tamil Nadu Government. As per the latest order, food processing companies that use plastic for packaging eatables/snacks cannot sell their products using single use plastics. However, the process of implementing the notification is yet to be worked out.

This follows the banning of 14 types of plastics from January 1, 2019 that included plastic cups, plates, water packets, plastics bags, flags, etc.

Manufacturers of plastics appealed the decision of the government in the High Court which upheld the government’s ban on the items and also called for banning other plastic items that were excluded.

The exception of plastic use given till now by the government for packaging sector has been a hindrance for the government’s goal of achieving the goal of “Plastic-free Tamil Nadu “.