This group of environmentalists have reconstructed habitats for birds

In Pudukkottai, the Green Birds’ Involvement in the work of setting up a bush for the use of birds has been well received by the people. Two years ago, the Gaja storm caused great devastation to the delta districts. Especially in the Pudukkottai district, millions of trees were uprooted. Thus, the green district of Pudukkottai was deserted without trees.

The district administration and various private organizations are involved in planting saplings parallel to the fallen trees. As part of this, the Pudukottai Green Birds organization has been planting at least 50 native saplings every Sunday for the first week since August 15.

They are also setting up bushes for birds to use. Following this, members of the Green Birds Organization in collaboration with Mother Youth Moment and Don Bosco planted a variety of native saplings that can be used for birds in Keeranur, Pudukottai District today. This act has been well-received among the public.