The recent trailer of the film Chhava, depicting the life of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj‘s son Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, brought renewed attention to the Maratha warrior’s significant connections to Tamil Nadu, particularly his role in restoring the iconic Nataraja idol to the Chidambaram temple after 37 years of displacement.
Sambhaji Maharaj, like his illustrious father, had significant connections to Tamil Nadu. His contributions to Tamilagam, particularly Tamil Shaivism, are noteworthy.
As per a copper plate inscription at Thiruvarar, Nataraja of Chidambaram left his abode on 24 December 1648 during the turbulent period of the Bijapur Sultanate’s ransacking of the temple.
The Nataraja and Sivagami Vigrahas were transported in a wooden box to Madurai, then to Kudumiyanmalai, and eventually hidden under a tree for safekeeping.
Temple rituals and poojas were halted during this time. After 37 years, during Sambhaji Maharaj’s reign from Senji, the Dikshitars, with the help of Sambhaji’s Guru, Muthaiya Dikshitar, retrieved the Nataraja Vigraha and reinstalled it in the Ponnambalam. Sambhaji oversaw the temple’s renovation and consecration ceremonies, with the assistance of his official, Gopala Dadasi. The preserved wooden box used to transport the Vigrahas bears a copper plate inscribed with a beautiful Tamil verse recounting these events.
விடையில்வந்த செம்பொன்அம் பலத்தான் அந்த
வெள்ளியம் பலத்திலே விரும்பிச் சென்ற
நடையில்வந்த வருடமோ சர்வ தாரி
நாயபமார் கழியிருபத் தைந்து நாளாம்
கடையில்வந்த வருடங்கார்த் திகையீ ரேழு
கதிர்வாரம் திரும்பவந்து கலந்த நாளாம்
இடையில்வந்த வருடமெண்ணிப் பார்க்கில் முப்பத்
தேழுபத்து மாதநாள் இருப தாமே !
Nataraja left Chidambaram during Sarvadhari year Margazhi month and returned after thirty-seven years during the month of Karthigai, says the verse. Tamilagam should forever remember Sambhaji for this dharmic contribution.
This article is based on an X thread by TS Krishnan.
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