The China-Tedros Dalliance: Untangling the intricate web of lies spun by the WHO Chief

Ever since the beginning of this pandemic, one name has echoed along with the name of Chinese President Xi Jinping in the world. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organisation. The WHO is the apex body that ought to take stock of the global situation whenever there is a health crisis like the coronavirus pandemic. They are mandated to give daily bulletins and guidelines and also coordinate with the government and international bodies to contain the pandemic. They are to do this in a ‘transparent’ manner without succumbing to political pressure. But the staggering reality states otherwise. Instead of reprimanding, Tedros has been observed to be toeing China’s line. We have all been made players in this intricate web of lies that have been spun around our heads by the man who had just one job to do – alert the world in time so that countries can be prepared to tackle if the virus hits their doors. Rather the WHO, and Tedros in particular, have the blood of millions on their hands, for failing to take action and sucking up to China and its mad king.

Technically, the Wuhan virus, or the novel coronavirus, could have been contained in China since its very inception. So one could say that the world is paying off China’s debts, and that is not a very pretty picture, to begin with. If only China had taken appropriate measures to prevent the spread of this COVID-19 infection, instead of spinning an elaborate web of lies, the focal point of which is Tedros, a million people and counting would not have been affected by it today.

Tracing the COVID-19 timeline

The entire world is dealing with this unprecedented crisis that is the COVID-19 pandemic, the spread of which started in December 2019, when the first ‘pneumonia’ cases were detected. Cut to one month later, there were cases detected in European countries, and it was only onward and upward from there. Unleashing total mayhem on the road to no recovery, the COVID-19 pandemic is now one of the biggest crises to hit the world since World War II. What is surprising is the fact that, while countries like Germany had been insisting on ‘human-to-human’ transmission since late January, the WHO kept denying this up until March 2020, by when it was too late to look back. For, it was only by March 11 that the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

Here’s the timeline from the very first cases of Coronavirus detected to the present day:

December 30, 2019 – The Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention in central China’s Hubei province detected cases of “pneumonia of unknown cause”.

January 8, 2020 – The World Health Organisation (WHO) said a new coronavirus “could be behind a pneumonia epidemic” documented in December in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

January 11, 2020 – China announced its first death in Wuhan, while the WHO was still in denial that this could spread worldwide, and dismissed it as ‘just another outbreak’.

January 24, 2020 – The first cases in Europe are recorded, in France; still no pandemic alert by the WHO.

January 28, 2020- Germany and Japan announced the first two confirmed instances of human-to-human transmission of COVID-19 outside China. Nations rushed to evacuate their citizens from China, while the WHO continued to be in denial of  ‘human-to-human’ transmission.

January 30, 2020 – The WHO ‘finally’ declared a “public health emergency of international concern”.

February 7, 2020 – The WHO warned that the world is running out of masks and other protective equipment.

February 19, 2020 – As the toll topped 2,000, the WHO called for “proportionate” actions to COVID-19’s international spread, albeit no pandemic alert.

February 25, 2020 – The WHO said there is a “risk” of a pandemic. The next day the number of new cases in the rest of the world surpasses that of China.

March 6-8, 2020 – More than 100,000 cases were recorded around the world. Northern Italy was locked down, quickly followed by the rest of the country.

March 11, 2020 – The WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, by when it was too late. US borders were gradually closed to around 30 countries. Governments and central banks rolled out massive economic support measures.

March 13, 2020 – The WHO declared Europe as the pandemic’s new epicentre.

By March 18, 2020 – More than 2,00,000 cases were registered across the world.

March 19, 2020 – Italy became the country with the highest death toll.

March 23, 2020 – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned against a worse recession than the one that followed the 2008 world financial crisis. Several sporting events were either cancelled or postponed due to the spread of the novel virus.

March 24, 2020 – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21 days nationwide lockdown.

March 26, 2020 – The leaders of the Group of 20 nations came together for an ‘extraordinary virtual G20 Summit’ to discuss the impact of coronavirus pandemic on the global economy.

March 28, 2020 – As China’s Wuhan started emerging from lockdown, Italy passed the 10,000 death mark.

April 7, 2020 – The Indian government decided to licence and paracetamol, in appropriate quantities, to the neighbouring countries. These drugs are seen as key in the treatment of coronavirus.

(Source: Wion)

Notably, the World Health Organization backtracked on its attestation that the Chinese government alarmed the United Nations office about the flare-up of deadly coronavirus, quite recently, as late as July 2020, and this does not paint a pretty picture about the organisation.

Who is incompetent? WHO!

The world is grappling with this virus, while the crisis could have been averted in its much earlier stage if one man had stepped up his game.

The man who should have been reprimanding China for its carelessness in containing the virus spread was outrightly praising it for its speedy response.

In his own words, he had said that he “admired the President’s commitment towards virus response”. In addition to speaking highly about his personal leadership skills, he had said that he was impressed by his governance.  He went on to quote Xi Jinping, who he claimed had said to him that his government has been taking all the measures in order to constrict the virus spread at the epicentre and to prevent sending it to the other countries, only in February. In actuality, the scenario is quite the contrary.

In essence, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus is the most important person in the world right now with the biggest job ever: the responsibility of being at the forefront of the response to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Originally, the WHO per se should have been in the news for its steadfast response to this unprecedented crisis. Instead, Tedros is, and not for the right reasons.

This brings us to question the integrity of this man as well as the organisation he represents, while also bringing us to question how this man could possibly help in averting a world crisis when all he was doing was defending the offender. In fact, this has gone to the point where the WHO has started being called the Wuhan Health Organisation.

So, who is Ghebreyesus, really?

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus hails from Ethiopia and used to be the country’s Health Minister. Whilst his tenure as the health minister of Ethiopia, he had had multiple charges against him and was accused of covering up Cholera cases. Not just one or two Cholera cases, but a number close to an epidemic.

Another noteworthy aspect to this is the fact that China heavily invests in Ethiopia’s economy every year. Could there be more to this man than meets the eye?

Ghebreyesus became the Chief of the World Health Organisation in 2017. Notably, his contention was unprecedented because he is the first Director-General who was African and a non-doctor candidate at that. If you are wondering about the doctor title his name is prefixed with, it refers to his Doctorate in Community Health, and not the one that refers to physicians or those belonging to the medical profession.

The appointment of Director Generals is done by means of elections, wherein the member countries vote for the nominated candidates. What is noteworthy is the fact that he had had the strong support from China during these elections. Ghebreyesus had a pretty successful campaign run for someone from a third-world country, and no prizes for guessing the brain behind it all.

If this is not enough proof that China and Ghebreyesus have been in cahoots all along, here’s another piece of information. Ghebreyesus also served as the Foreign Minister of Ethiopia from 2012-2016, the same period of time when China had invested heavily in the Ethiopian economy. This makes one wonder if his unwavering support to China could stem from secret vested interests.

Here’s the final nail in the coffin: right after assuming the position, Tedros had signed for Zimbabwe’s dictator to become a goodwill ambassador for the organization. Why is this relevant, you ask? Because Robert Mugabe has been China’s trump card in Africa for several decades now, funded and raised under China’s tutelage. Although this never materialized due to widespread dissent, it makes one wonder as to how all of these could tie up to the happenings of the present. If the threat and subsequent exit of the United States from the WHO could not get its Director-General to switch sides, one can only wonder how deep-rooted the link between China and Ghebreyesus could potentially be.

In 2003, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, the woman who had been the Director-General of the WHO, had taken China to task during the SARS epidemic, by issuing a travel advisory against any kind of movement from and to China, successfully averting an impending doom. 12 years down the line, China has played the cards right in its second attempt by placing its insider exactly where it could cause the maximum damage, and it is safe to say that it succeeded in doing so. In conclusion, it wouldn’t be taking it too far if one were to say that Dr. Ghebreyesus should be tried at the International Criminal court as a war criminal. For, sweeping the crimes of a perpetrator who is accused of unleashing the Chinese virus under the metaphorical carpet that is the WHO is no less than crimes against humanity.