Bad Girl, an upcoming Tamil film produced by Anurag Kashyap and Dravidianist director Vetrimaaran is the latest film to join the list of anti-Brahmin propaganda films to come out from Kollywood. From the looks of the trailer, the film attempts to portrays the story of a Tamil Brahmin girl who wants to be rebellious, break the shackles of “Brahminical patriarchy“, chooses to live the “high” life and defies her parents and family.
The author of this piece is not at all surprised that the director and the lead of the latest Brahmin-bashing film belongs to the Tamil Brahmin community which is portrayed as regressive in the movie. It’s equally unsurprising that these two talented women appear to have fallen into the trap carefully laid by the Dravidian ecosystem.
“Use the same fingers of the Paapan (casteist slur for Tamil Brahmins) to prick his eyes” – so goes a popular saying among the Dravidian elite. They had done it multiple times over the last 100 years. And this movie is part of the same playbook. Millions of gallons of sewage have flown through though Cooum over the last 100 years but the playbook remains the same. The likes of Krishnas and Sekhars hobnobbing with the Dravidianazis, to gain acceptance among the Dravidian elite for their own opportunities, even as they willingly let their own community become the perpetual punching bag for the Dravidianazis exemplifies the larger issues within the urban Tamil Brahmin community. The same is being done by these young ladies – either they’ve fallen into the Dravidianist trap or they’re just doing it to gain acceptance in the Dravidian filmdom.
While these woke Dravidian ladies regurgitate the stale Dravidian vomit targeting Brahmins, the author considers it his duty to state some facts that will allow the young ladies to introspect deeply.
Tamil Brahmin Women are emancipated and have moved up in all spheres of life over the last 100 years. If Tamil Brahmins were regressive, Usha Sundaram would not have become India’s first Women Pilot, Indira Nooyi would not have become CEO of Pepsico, Janaki and Jayalalithaa Chief Ministers of Tamil Nadu, Rukmini Arundale and Padma Subrahmanyam doyens of Bharatnatyam, Bhavani Devi a champion in Fencing, Mallika Srinivasan a successful corporate honcho and not to mention, thousands and thousands of Tamil Brahmin women who have excelled across spheres right from corporate to arts to sports. MS Subbulakshmi, a woman who was born into the Devadasi community and married Sadasivam was supported and encouraged throughout by her Brahmin husband. This was 90 years back.
And the very fact that these two young ladies from Brahmin families have entered film industry itself stands testimony to the progressive nature of the Brahmin community. These two young ladies can touch their conscience and check if ladies from other communities swearing allegiance to EV Ramasamy Naicker (hailed as Periyar by his followers) have let their women folk choose the career of their choice especially in the fields like cinema, arts or modelling.
EVRites are still stuck in 1925. They think Brahmin women still tonsure their heads after their husband’s death and cover their heads. Gone are those days. Brahmin households became progressive a long time back when it comes to educating their women and help them choose the career of their choice. Brahmin husbands aid their women folk in these aspects as well and support their wives – whether they’re having their periods or not. Millions of Brahmin women have been fully supported and backed by their families to realise their dreams.
As an entrepreneur in financial services catering to diverse demographics, I can confidently assert that Tamil Brahmin women are among the most financially independent. The influence they wield over their family’s financial decisions is unparalleled, showcasing a level of empowerment that stands out compared to women from other landed castes.
These young ladies, if they had a tinge of self-respect or cared about emancipation of women could have focused on such examples and themes. Instead, they chose to turn woke and fall right into the Dravidian playbook. True progressiveness lies in advancements in education, careers, and financial independence—not in promiscuity or becoming trophy wives to individuals who ironically seek the eradication of the very community these women originate from.
It is, however, a concerning reality that an increasing number of young women from the Tamil Brahmin community are embracing “woke” ideologies. Blaming the girls alone is pointless—it is ultimately the responsibility of parents to raise their daughters with the awareness and values needed to resist such influences. In this regard, some parents have clearly fallen short.
Hopefully, young women from the Tamil Brahmin community understand the tactics of the Dravidian playbook, steer clear of malicious propaganda and not become yet another toy in the hands of these evil divisive forces. We are in 2025 now. Brahmin women are AI coders, entrepreneurs, doctors and engineers making this world a better place so that the woke feminazis get to virtue-signal about the own community they’re born into.
And when will these Dravidian Stocks realise that they are stuck in 1920s and take steps to emancipate women in their own kitchens?
Nanmozhian is an entrepreneur based out of Chennai.
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Tamil Brahmin Women Don’t Need To Be ‘Bad Girls’ To Emancipate Themselves, It’s The Dravidian Lot Who Need To Emancipate Their Women
Bad Girl, an upcoming Tamil film produced by Anurag Kashyap and Dravidianist director Vetrimaaran is the latest film to join the list of anti-Brahmin propaganda films to come out from Kollywood. From the looks of the trailer, the film attempts to portrays the story of a Tamil Brahmin girl who wants to be rebellious, break the shackles of “Brahminical patriarchy“, chooses to live the “high” life and defies her parents and family.
The author of this piece is not at all surprised that the director and the lead of the latest Brahmin-bashing film belongs to the Tamil Brahmin community which is portrayed as regressive in the movie. It’s equally unsurprising that these two talented women appear to have fallen into the trap carefully laid by the Dravidian ecosystem.
“Use the same fingers of the Paapan (casteist slur for Tamil Brahmins) to prick his eyes” – so goes a popular saying among the Dravidian elite. They had done it multiple times over the last 100 years. And this movie is part of the same playbook. Millions of gallons of sewage have flown through though Cooum over the last 100 years but the playbook remains the same. The likes of Krishnas and Sekhars hobnobbing with the Dravidianazis, to gain acceptance among the Dravidian elite for their own opportunities, even as they willingly let their own community become the perpetual punching bag for the Dravidianazis exemplifies the larger issues within the urban Tamil Brahmin community. The same is being done by these young ladies – either they’ve fallen into the Dravidianist trap or they’re just doing it to gain acceptance in the Dravidian filmdom.
While these woke Dravidian ladies regurgitate the stale Dravidian vomit targeting Brahmins, the author considers it his duty to state some facts that will allow the young ladies to introspect deeply.
Tamil Brahmin Women are emancipated and have moved up in all spheres of life over the last 100 years. If Tamil Brahmins were regressive, Usha Sundaram would not have become India’s first Women Pilot, Indira Nooyi would not have become CEO of Pepsico, Janaki and Jayalalithaa Chief Ministers of Tamil Nadu, Rukmini Arundale and Padma Subrahmanyam doyens of Bharatnatyam, Bhavani Devi a champion in Fencing, Mallika Srinivasan a successful corporate honcho and not to mention, thousands and thousands of Tamil Brahmin women who have excelled across spheres right from corporate to arts to sports. MS Subbulakshmi, a woman who was born into the Devadasi community and married Sadasivam was supported and encouraged throughout by her Brahmin husband. This was 90 years back.
And the very fact that these two young ladies from Brahmin families have entered film industry itself stands testimony to the progressive nature of the Brahmin community. These two young ladies can touch their conscience and check if ladies from other communities swearing allegiance to EV Ramasamy Naicker (hailed as Periyar by his followers) have let their women folk choose the career of their choice especially in the fields like cinema, arts or modelling.
EVRites are still stuck in 1925. They think Brahmin women still tonsure their heads after their husband’s death and cover their heads. Gone are those days. Brahmin households became progressive a long time back when it comes to educating their women and help them choose the career of their choice. Brahmin husbands aid their women folk in these aspects as well and support their wives – whether they’re having their periods or not. Millions of Brahmin women have been fully supported and backed by their families to realise their dreams.
As an entrepreneur in financial services catering to diverse demographics, I can confidently assert that Tamil Brahmin women are among the most financially independent. The influence they wield over their family’s financial decisions is unparalleled, showcasing a level of empowerment that stands out compared to women from other landed castes.
These young ladies, if they had a tinge of self-respect or cared about emancipation of women could have focused on such examples and themes. Instead, they chose to turn woke and fall right into the Dravidian playbook. True progressiveness lies in advancements in education, careers, and financial independence—not in promiscuity or becoming trophy wives to individuals who ironically seek the eradication of the very community these women originate from.
It is, however, a concerning reality that an increasing number of young women from the Tamil Brahmin community are embracing “woke” ideologies. Blaming the girls alone is pointless—it is ultimately the responsibility of parents to raise their daughters with the awareness and values needed to resist such influences. In this regard, some parents have clearly fallen short.
Hopefully, young women from the Tamil Brahmin community understand the tactics of the Dravidian playbook, steer clear of malicious propaganda and not become yet another toy in the hands of these evil divisive forces. We are in 2025 now. Brahmin women are AI coders, entrepreneurs, doctors and engineers making this world a better place so that the woke feminazis get to virtue-signal about the own community they’re born into.
And when will these Dravidian Stocks realise that they are stuck in 1920s and take steps to emancipate women in their own kitchens?
Nanmozhian is an entrepreneur based out of Chennai.
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