Taliban preparing to attack Panjshir Valley, the last resistance stronghold in Afghanistan

After taking control of Kabul without firing a bullet which led to the end of democracy in Afghanistan, the Taliban has now set its sights on the fabled and impregnable Panjshir Valley as hundreds of Taliban mujahideen’s are heading over there to stomp out the last resistance, reports Hindustan Times.

Even though the head of the National Resistance Front Ahmad Massoud said that he wanted to hold negotiations with the Taliban but that his forces are also ready to fight.

Massoud is the son of legendary fighter Ahmad Shah Massoud, who led the war effort against the Soviet Union throughout the 1980s, and later fought the Taliban and ensured Panjshir Valley could be part of this tyrannical regime.

Massoud who has united hands with President Amrullah Saleh, “We want to make the Taliban realise that the only way forward is through negotiation. We do not want a war to break out.”

Massoud along with Saleh managed to gather forces made up of regular army units and special forces as well as local militia fighters who are willing to fight to the bitter end and as Massoud said, “They want to defend, they want to fight, they want to resist against any totalitarian regime.”

President Amrullah Saleh in a tweet said, Talibs have massed forces near the entrance of Panjshir a day after they got trapped in ambush zones of neighboring Andarab valley & hardly went out in one piece. Meanwhile Salang highway is closed by the forces of the Resistance. “There are terrains to be avoided”. See you,”.

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