Debunking Claims Made By Alleged “Fact-Checking” Portal YouTurn On Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Yojana

In a video posted on Twitter/X by the alleged fact-checking portal YouTurn, claims were made regarding…

Rahul Gandhi LIES AGAIN, claims PM Modi endorsed Trump for US President; Surjewala calls himself “Joe Biden”

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who truly has special skills when it comes to lying and making…

AltNews “fact-checker” gets facts wrong: Man who waved Indian Tricolour at US Capitol siege turns out to be Modi-critic and a ‘Tharoor-admirer’

Now that photos and videos of January 6’s storming of the US Capitol are doing the…

Google introduces ‘Fact-Checked’ labels to identify misleading photos

Tech giant Google announced the introduction of ‘Fact-Checked’ labels and will start identifying some misleading photos…