“Pakistan Comprehensively Beat India”: DMK Supporting Dravidian Model Govt ‘Doctor’ Peddles Lies About Balakot Air Strikes, Praises Pakistan And Insults Former IAF Chief

In yet another incident of Dravidian Stockists exhibiting their affinity to Pakistan so much so that…

Retired Pakistan diplomat admits IAF killed 300 JeM terrorists in Balakot airstrike

In a development that will embarrass the opposition parties in India, during a live debate on…

Gen VK Singh wants Pakistan blacklisted by FATF over Islamabad’s admission of Pulwama attack

Former Indian Army chief General (retd) VK Singh who is now a Union Minister in Prime…

Banned Islamic terror group Jaish-e-Muhammad wants Pakistan Govt to allow attacks in Kashmir

According to media reports, banned global Islamic terror organisation Jaish-e-Muhammad has called on Prime Minister Imran…