Sydney becomes 100% renewable

Clover Moore, Sydney Lord Mayor announced that the city of Sydney is completely powered by renewable energy on July 1, 2020, calling it an “exciting day.” In 2019, the city negotiated with Flow power, a $60 million, 10-year contract to provide 100% renewable electricity for the city’s operation. 

This will include 115 buildings such as libraries, community halls, office buildings, parks, pools, and 23,000 street lights.

The city is expected to save half a million dollars every year, over a period of ten years for ratepayers, and reduce their emissions by 20,000 tonnes a year. 

The renewable energy is said to come from a wind farm in Glen Innes and solar farms in Shoalhaven and Wagga Wagga. This step is a testament to addressing climate change and reducing emissions. In addition, it will also provide jobs in New South Wales contributing to a transitional phase to renewable energy. 

In order to support new projects, they partnered with a community energy group that required help with a project. With the help of their investment,  Repower Shoalhaven became operational. The aim was to not only buy renewable energy but to aid in growing the renewable energy sector.

“We have shown that the emissions-reducing renewable-use at scale is not only possible, it is also good for the growth of jobs and the city’s finances,”she says. She also hopes that other governments watch and follow. 


Source: The City of Sydney