State Cyber Crime Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Raghavendra Ravi, who was part of the special investigation team (SIT) in the Anna University student rape case, has recused himself from the investigation, citing serious allegations against the handling of the case.
The incident, which took place on 23 December 2024, involved the sexual assault of a student at Anna University in Chennai. The case sparked widespread outrage, and based on the victim’s complaint, the Kotturpuram police registered a case and arrested the accused, Gnanasekaran, a local resident, who was subsequently sent to jail.
The Madras High Court took the initiative to oversee the investigation and formed a special team comprising three women IPS officers, led by Annanagar Deputy Commissioner Sneha Priya, to handle the case. This move was part of the court’s efforts to ensure a thorough and impartial investigation.
A petition was later filed in the Saidapet 9th Court, requesting permission for a 7-day police custody for Gnanasekaran to facilitate further questioning. The court granted the request, and the SIT began interrogating the accused at the prison office in Egmore.
However, DSP Raghavendra Ravi, who was part of the SIT, announced his withdrawal from the investigation. He alleged that the female IPS officers had obstructed his ability to perform his duties effectively, which led to his decision to recuse himself from the case.
"பணியை செய்யவிடவில்லை" #NewsUpdate#AnnaUniversity #DMK #AnnaUniversityIssue #SIT #TamilJanam
— Tamil Janam (@TamilJanamNews) January 30, 2025
(With inputs from Indian Express Tamil)
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