Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal: A Podcast Of Hate, Vulgarity & Divisive Propaganda

Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal (SVK) is a Tamil podcast channel that began as a lighthearted and candid discussion on various topics, including comic satire. Over time, it has evolved into an unofficial propaganda outlet for the DMK, frequently attacking opposition parties and targeting specific castes and political groups. The show’s hosts are men who use character names from the anime Naruto as their aliases.

Their worst vocabulary and most hateful messages target Hindu deities, Hindu Women and Brahmins. They also speak about Islam in derogatory terms. They also make vulgar claims about women working in films and media.

Notably, they have no comments about Christianity, the state’s second-largest religion. The only Christian they seem to have a problem with is Shalin Maria Lawrence, the Scheduled Caste activist who openly criticises casteism and misogyny in DMK ranks.

Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal – Ideological Leanings

Since their podcast began on the Spotify platform in September 2019, they have been openly critical of the BJP, frequently using abusive language under the guise of advertisements. In their debut episode, “Superhero Genre in India ft. Uchiha Madara,” they subtly reveal their anti-BJP stance and later ridicule Seeman and Hindutva.

This bias becomes evident when the host, Haashiramaa Senju, voices an ad saying, “This episode is co-sponsored by: Are you a Sanghi? Drink Cow Urine Fizz immediately. Now, with gas!” This remark indicates their opposition to BJP ideology, with “Sanghi” known to be used as a derogatory term for BJP supporters.

In the second episode, titled “Conspiracy Theory – A Perspective ft. Uchiha Madara,” another person named after a character from the Naruto series, Tobirama Senju, is introduced as a fan of ‘Paari Saalan‘. In this episode, Hashirama Senju makes a degrading remark against the Brahmin community. He uses the term “Paarpaan,” a derogatory word used by EV Ramasamy Naicker, hailed as Periyar in Tamil Nadu, to ridicule the Brahmin community.

In the third episode, guests such as YouTurn Iyan Karthikeyan, a fact-checker YouTuber who now works for the government as the Mission Director of the TN government’s “Fact Checking Unit” and who also allegedly favours the DMK, and Sarvs, a provocative speaker from the YouTube channel Plip Plip, made appearances. Their ideologies were evident from this point. A voice ad featuring Haashiramaa Senju included the remark, “If you’re a fan of Maridhas, Poda P**da,” providing another clue to their stance. In the episode, they all mocked YouTuber Maridhas for his explanation and support for the National Education Policy (NEP). From the abovementioned instances, any listener can easily infer that Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal’s inclination leaned heavily towards the Dravidian ideology.

In the first season, other episodes remained largely neutral, primarily due to the co-host, Uchiha Madara, who maintained a neutral stance and avoided aligning the show with any political affiliations, particularly with the DMK. However, this approach didn’t sit well with Haashiramaa Senju, the podcast’s protagonist. From the second season onwards, Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal fully embraced Dravidian ideologues and individuals promoting hatred against the Hindu belief and BJP as the co-hosts and guests.

Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal – Derogatory Remarks On Hinduism

In Season 2, Episode 11, titled “S.A.N.G.H.I. (Softcore Assembly of Nibbas in a Gang of Hot Ignition)”, Hashirama Senju and the hate-monger of Brahmins and Vanniyar caste, Tobirama Senju, join forces to ridicule Hindus under the guise of attacking the BJP, unleashing their long-held vehemence. In this episode, Hashirama declares that Tobirama is like a brother to him, mirroring the two characters’ relationship in the Naruto anime.

Here, they discuss various baseless allegations and lies about Hindu scriptures, inciting hatred among their followers.

Right from the start, they implant their hardcore Dravidian ideology to influence the audience’s mindset, claiming that the BJP’s efforts to unite Hindus are futile as all Hindus prioritise caste. Throughout the podcast, one can witness/hear vulgarity, the normalisation of porn, and abusive language – these are hallmarks of the podcast. Tobirama asserts there is no scientific basis for caste, but Hashirama contradicts him, stating that the caste system was initially created as a competitive spirit but later went wrong.

They then turn to attack Lord Brahma. Hashirama argues, “Brahma did not create people equally. He also created a rule book called Manu Dharma with the help of rishis, a manual for discrimination. Anyone can download it, buy it online, and read it in the original translation. The creator claimed we are not all the same. But I’m saying that a god created me, Hashirama, and Tobirama and then created others to be beneath us, with the upper two being one caste, the middle another, and the bottom two low castes. If this is creation, it’s akin to an orgy and gangbang.

Unsurprisingly, SVK eventually directed all blame of social injustice towards the Brahmins, exploiting their vulnerability and following the narrative created by E.V. Ramasamy Naicker. Similarly, the podcast accuses the Brahmins of “exploiting the innocence of other castes” to maintain control. They perpetuate the same blatant lies as their Dravidian stalwarts, claiming that Brahmins prevented other castes from getting an education and stating that today, they were able to question Manu Dharma because they had the opportunity to study.

Thankfully, as they recorded the podcast in 2020, they did not claim, “Because of the Dravidian model, we have been able to study.

In the narrative they set in the episode, they claim that BJP is simply against Muslims and Dalits. They justified and bolstered the concept of love jihad, questioning whether a girl who marries is unaware of her choices. They asserted that the distinctions within Muslim groups like Marakkars and Labbays or Christian denominations like Protestants and Pentecostals are not categorisations like caste in Hindus. Speaking of Kamal Haasan, they described the logo of his party, Makkal Needhi Maiam, which features six hands interlinked, as a symbol of a “circle jerk.

Later in the Season 3, Episode 06: Godmen ft. Tobirama Senju and Kakashi Hatake speak on the Hindu epic Ramayana and discuss whether Ravana was a Brahmin. Tobirama vulgarly denigrated the revered goddess Sita, saying, “Ravana abducted Sita, Rama’s wife, and f**ked her; they call Ravana an evil character. So how could he possibly be a Brahmin?”

(Reference Credit: SVK’s Spotify)

 Further escalating his abusive comments, Tobirama states, “In the original Ramayana, when Rama describes Sita,  ‘Her back bu**ocks are beautiful and lifted, and her breasts are swollen.‘” Kakashi then interjects, asking, “To whom is he saying this?” Tobirama replies, “He’s talking to his brother.” Kakashi continues, “He makes his brother and Hanuman sit down and then sends him (Hanuman) by identifying her.” Tobirama chimes in with a husky tone, adding, “She will be very beautiful and plump.

At this point, the host, Haashiramaa, joins in with a double entendre, saying, “He’s saying, ‘Don’t poke her with the Gada—for that he replies the Gada is there, sir.'” (All were laughing understanding it)

Tobirama then continues, reflecting a similar sentiment to what Haashiramaa mentioned, asserting, “Now you said that the thought of Hanuman’s c*ck poking, right? You were implying that, weren’t you?” He adds, “If the writers of the scriptures, like the Noolandi (Brahmins), they might have written that, ‘Hanuman’s sperm reached the sky and rained down.’ This was just the story they chose to write about being horny, and they wrote whatever came to their minds.”

Later, Kakashi and Tobirama derided Hanuman’s portrayal as a Brahmachari by drawing a homosexual connection to Lord Ram. He says, “Now, he has sent Hanuman by saying that, ‘My wife is a super figure having her back lifted and hips well-defined,’ but when Hanuman visited Sita and showed her the signet ring (Soodamani),” 

Kakashi continues, “What Valmiki Ramayana says is that Ravana used many magic tricks to try and seduce her.” Tobirama interjects, “But she went there willingly, right?” 

Kakashi responds, “No, She was dragged by her hair unwillingly. We should speak on the original Valmiki Ramayana, not the Atlee model Kamba Ramayana version.” Further said, “He (Ravana) grabbed Sita by the hair and dragged her away. Hence, Sita suspected that Hanuman might be another of Ravana’s tricks. Immediately he (Hanuman) said, ‘No! Rama sent me. I’ve seen Rama; his p*nis is smooth and lengthy, and his balls are hanging.’ – G*tha, when did you see his? Isn’t that a bit awkward or not?” He continues, “He (Rama) came to the forest after his recent marriage, and (Ravana) carried away his wife. Meanwhile, Hanuman is muscled and has well-developed thighs from his training.”

(Reference Credit: SVK’s Spotify)

Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal – Ridiculing Hinduism On Their Social Media Handle

On the official X account of SVK, they mocked the “Surya Tilak” ceremony at Ayodhya on Ram Navami, where sunlight is directed onto Sri Ram Lalla’s forehead using an opto-mechanical system developed by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA). They derisively commented, “You are playing with mirrors and shining light on a face.” 

In another post, Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal ridiculed a devotee who used her phone to call her ill mother at a Sai Baba temple, stating, “Why does Sai Baba always talk to women aged 28-35? He is always in contact with them. Why doesn’t he talk to others?”

In another post, SVK criticised women who advocate yoga for modern-day women, aiming to enhance pelvic floor strength, uterine health, and reproductive wellness. While acknowledging these exercises were traditionally part of daily routines, SVK derided them, remarking, “Bharat is evolving backwards.”

In a subsequent post shared by Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal, there is a disturbing depiction that demonstrates their susceptibility to pornography and their objectification of women. The post portrays a woman attempting to pass through a crevice in a rock, a ritual believed in some cultures to absolve unintentional sins and initiate spiritual renewal at the soul level.

For instance, in the inner sanctum of the Sri Kailasanathar Temple in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, individuals must traverse a passage that narrows before exiting through a small opening, symbolising a symbolic return to the maternal womb for purification and emergence with a cleansed spirit and outlook, committed to righteousness. Nonetheless, SVK chose to ridicule the woman stuck in a pornographic context, insensitively remarking, “Help me, son. I’m stuck.”

In the subsequent post, the podcast’s supporters do not like to witness the downfall of their beloved leaders, and their core belief system revolves around atheism and mockery of Hinduism. However, before the 2024 Lok Sabha election, their leader abandoned this ideology and opted to worship at a temple.

Similarly, Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK) chief Thirumavalavan chose to visit his hometown and pay respects to the local deity, sparking immediate public discussion. Quickly, SVK intervened, clarifying that the god he worshipped was Buddha.

Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal – Derogating The Muslim Community

Just as they ridiculed Hindus and Hindu culture, Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal podcasters, like their Dravidianist peers, enjoy ridiculing former President Abdul Kalam for reading the Bhagavad Gita. They even equated him to pigs, which are forbidden (haram) in Islam.

In a podcast, Hashirama further asserted that some Muslims ate pork when they went abroad. Hashirama replied, “One thing I don’t understand is that according to Islamic law, they shouldn’t eat pork, but if he goes abroad, some will say, ‘It’s bacon and eggs, bro.’ What is bacon and eggs? Bacon is pork meat, usually roasted. He eats this abroad but calls it haram here. He changes according to the area but still talks foul-mouthed. Son of a b*tch.”

In Season 3, Episode 6 of Godmen, featuring Tobirama Senju and Kakashi Hatake, the hosts take their ridicule to an extreme. Tobirama sarcastically asks, “Is it true that they say Allah is gay?” Kakashi responds, explaining that the Quran states Allah is neither male nor female but a transcendent figure (Aruvuruvam). He points out the contradiction in saying Allah is neither male nor female while also claiming Allah created everything, implying a male figure.

Later in the same episode, Kakashi mocks the Quranic notion that Allah grants every boon and tests one’s character. He questions, Am I just a joke to God, subjected to tests? And asks why so many imams use Islam verses to justify killing all non-believers (kafirs).

Kakashi remarked, “The Qur’an states that humans were created as civilised beings to be tested by God to prove their truthfulness, honesty, and self-control to earn a place in heaven. Work less… Do we look like Kirukku K**thi? Are we toys K*na p*nda for these tests? Is there no work for God?” Later he said, “If we speak the truth honestly, many imams now buttress to justify terrorism and boast about killing non-believers (kafirs).

He advised Muslims to treat women with respect and dignity rather than boasting that their religion was the first to grant land rights to women. He also criticised the Jamaat’s regressive stance on women’s rights, pointing out that they wouldn’t even allow their women to speak to a panipuri seller because he wasn’t Muslim.

Then Kakashi stressed, “Like other religious leaders, these Pacha Sanghis also embezzle money. As, their activities are on a smaller scale it is less visible, they are involved in many poisonous practices.”

Later, Tobirama asserted, “If today, the Pacha Sanghi strength is 10 members and Hindus are divided by caste with strength of 30 members, then if we increase the Pacha Sanghi to 40 members, their atrocities will escalate to next level.” Kakashi also questioned the reasons behind jihad, noting that its purpose is to kill non-believers. He remarked that while Muslim Sanghis might argue that Allah didn’t command such actions and that there’s been a misunderstanding, they often remain silent in defending their fundamentalist counterparts without challenging them directly.

Previously, in Season 2, Episode 11 of the podcast S.A.N.G.H.I, Tobirama referred to former President Abdul Kalam as a “Superior Sanghi.” Hashirama explained this by saying, “Despite being a Muslim, a Sanghi still recites the Bhagavad Gita in its ideal form.” Tobirama countered by stating that if Kalam was a scientist, he should have acted as one. He criticised Kalam for allegedly being idle in his position, likening it to “sitting like pig shit.

In the official X account of SVK, they provided a detailed explanation for their disdain towards Abdul Kalam. They criticised him for being idle (eating a mixture) during a time when Muslims were allegedly facing violence in Gujarat and when Dalits and Muslims were under attack nationwide.

SVK ridiculed Kalam’s secularism by criticising both him and the Shankaracharya, stating the post was a recommendation from the Shankaracharya and describing Kalam as politically naive for allowing the Shankaracharya to sit on the president’s seat. Then, they lamented that many educated individuals lack true intellectualism, contrasting intellectuals who prioritise the welfare of the people.

In another post, SVK ridiculed the SDPI, a Muslim political party, for aligning with the AIADMK in the Lok Sabha elections. Using a derogatory Tamil term, SVK expressed pity towards them and stated, “Thinking of this Chinna K**thiyan Bhai (the general term to call Muslims) is pity. They have put forth a convention thinking Edappadi (EPS) as a personality.”

SVK refers to Muslims who oppose the Dravidian ideology or align themselves with nationalist ideologies as “Pacha Sanghi or Pure Sanghi.” This label was exemplified with a recent post where a Dravidianist referred to TNM’s Shabbir Ahmed as a “Pacha Sanghi.”

SVK’s Perspective On Women

In a rather crude manner, Haashiramaa Senju, displaying a narrow-minded perspective, remarked in Season 2 Episode 8 on nepotism that it is a well-known fact that despite the prevalent casting couch issue, numerous women are willing to engage in casting couch favours regardless of their personal preferences. Haashiramaa Senju said, “The well-known fact that even if there is a big casting couch problem here, many women (feel) it doesn’t matter if I am prevented from acting just because of that (casting couch), there are women who are ready to participate in it without liking it.”

It’s important to highlight that the term “casting couch” refers to the practice of soliciting sexual favours from job applicants in exchange for employment, particularly in the entertainment industry, specifically for acting roles. However, in this context, the podcaster Haashiramaa Senju shamelessly claims that women in the Tamil film industry are willing to engage in such acts to secure acting opportunities.

In the official X account of Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal, they harassed Aaj Tak anchor Anjana Om Kashyap by calling her a casteist slur, “Paapathi” (derogatory word for Brahmin women) that EV Ramasamy Naicker invented.

SVK stated, “Paapathis (Brahmin women) occupy the media and thereby ensure that anti-Modi views do not reach the people. The country will be cleansed if these ‘private luxury’ Paapathis are removed from the media industry for at least 50 years.” 

SVK’s harshest criticisms have been aimed at Shalin Maria Lawrence, a Scheduled Caste activist. The sustained attacks on her can be attributed to her independent stance against political affiliations and her consistent opposition to anyone acting against Scheduled Caste interests. Despite SVK’s advocacy for Dravidian and Scheduled Caste rights, they have chosen to bolster the DMK and VCK. Consequently, SVK has subjected Shalin Maria Lawrence to relentless online bullying, often referring to her as a “Blue Sanghi,” indicating a Scheduled Caste activist aligned with the BJP.

Whenever SVK quotes Shalin Maria Lawrence, they deliberately emphasise her caste, referring to her as “Paraiyar”, denoting her background and caste.

In a recent post, SVK mocked a meeting between Shalin Maria and Airport Murthi, another Scheduled Caste leader and critic of VCK, stating, “She will criticise what VCK did for Paraiyars and claim they betrayed them…

When activist Shalin Maria questioned the DMK government about the Kallakuruchi Hooch tragedy on 20 June 2024, which resulted in 47 reported deaths, she emphasised that all the deceased were from Scheduled Castes and called for an immediate investigation under murder charges. SVK and other Dravidianists swiftly responded to her post, alleging that her statements reflected “RSS-driven caste-based social engineering”, shielding the DMK from any criticism.

However, they often claim that EV Ramasamy Naicker educated and enlightened the “oppressed” castes, promoted respect for women, and worked for the abolition of caste. Yet, whenever they encounter someone, they label them by their caste—whether Vanniyar, Thevar, Paraiyar, Brahmin, etc. Such hypocrites conceal themselves within the ruling party’s influence and consistently propagate hatred between communities through their fabricated narratives.

Seeman, Naam Tamilar Katchi & Muthuramalinga Thevar

One episode of their podcast was entirely dedicated to criticising Naam Tamilar Katchi (NTK) chief Seeman – Episode 12 of Season 3 was titled “T.H.A.M.B.I.S (Tharudhalai Humanoids and Moolai Baathikkapatta Imbecible Sons): Oru Rollercoaster Discussion ft. Fake ID Aravind.” In this episode, Haashiramaa labelled the party cadres as an “Assortment of Idiots “, literally meaning a collection of fools espousing conspiracy theories and those who are heavily influenced by Illuminati theories. They are described as pro-Tamil but sceptical of modern science.

During the conversation, as evidenced by an incident where Haashiramaa’s friend, a Tamil nationalist (aligning with Seeman), refused modern medicine despite its mere cost, dismissing it as purely commercial. Haashiramaa also said this friend also expressed disapproval of E.V. Ramasamy Naicker, citing several reasons, such as the Manjolai massacre. Haashiramaa then asked him to suggest two alternative leaders, to which the friend mentioned MaPoSi and Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar.

Haashiramaa then discussed the history behind the death of Immanuel Sekaran, explaining that he was murdered due to caste violence rooted in his lower caste status by the Thevar community. Haashiramaa said in the podcast, “I asked him to tell me two alternative names for Periyar, he said MaPoSi okay right. Then he said another name of a leader I forgot it. Thirdly, he said another name he said Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar (the other podcast guest laughs, and one of them says, “Take the slipper”). Then I asked, do you know Immanuel Sekaran died because of him?” the Haashiramaa continued, “The problem was because he sat before Muthuramalinga Thevar crossing one leg over the other stating, ‘You have let a low caste man sitting crossing his legs’ right?.”

Continuing further, another guest remarked that the violence was sparked simply because they did not offer him a chair to sit on, dismissing it as sheer brutality. Haashiramaa concluded the discussion by recounting how, when he explained this perspective to his friend, the friend insisted that Muthuramalinga Thevar was not responsible for instigating the murder. Consequently, Haashiramaa resolved that in the future, he would be cautious about befriending Tamil nationalists, using the derogatory term “Salli Ko**hi” to express his frustration.

Further in the podcast Haashiramaa and others ridiculed the cadres of Seeman – it is noteworthy that Seeman promotes and accepts Tamil cultures like practicing the ‘valari’ traditional weapon, primarily used by the Tamil people in war. In the episode, Tobirama Senju addresses NTK chief Seeman with a cuss word,Chinna K**dhiyan.

This is also evident from Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal’s (SVK) official X account, where he consistently criticises NTK and Seeman. In a recent post, SVK shared edited images depicting Premalatha (DMDK leader) and her son as men, resembling the late AIADMK leader Jayalalitha and Seeman as women. The caption ridiculously referenced Tamil nationalists post-2009, suggesting that Seeman is perceived as aligned with AIADMK, implying he is a part of their “B-team.”

In another post, SVK used slur words to mock NTK leader Seeman for forgetting to apply for the election symbol. The post questioned, “Is this chinna k**thi who couldn’t even secure election symbols going to retrieve Kaveri?” 

In another post, SVK again employed the derogatory Tamil slur against Seeman and questioned, “Has the chinna k**thi who couldn’t even secure an election symbol now gone Ooty to purchase land?”

SVK explained in another episode that NTK is a coalition where caste supremacists have united under the banner of Tamil nationalism and that their fundamental eligibility is hatred towards Dalits.

In conclusion, although Schumy Vanna Kaviyangal claims to discuss politics and various other topics, it is just a garb to spread vicious propaganda. The podcast is characterised by vulgarity, the normalisation of porn, and abusive language throughout each episode, season after season. This is the consequence of unchecked media freedom, which ensnares the younger generation in an abyss, planting the seeds of vehemence and hate ideas through unfounded claims and encouraging the worship of false heroes. The young generation being influenced by these sadist influencers, who promote an ideology of violence, is a worrying sign of societal regression.

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