TN Assembly Speaker Hails Macaulay, Says Christians Responsible For Social Reforms In TN

The Tirunelveli Social Service Society, an outfit of the Catholic Diocese of Palyamkottai had organized its…

Pentecostal Church In Kerala Indulges In Preaching Through “Miracle Healing”

Even as dust is about to settle on the horrific black magic murders that shook Kerala,…

BBC Tamil Journo Quotes Italian Missionary To Claim “Deepavali Is Not Tamil Festival”

In an attempt to alienate the Deepavali festival from Tamil culture, serving evangelist propaganda, a BBC…

Australian National Accused Of Violating Indian Visa Rules By Engaging In Proselytization

Legal Rghts Observatory (LRO), an NGO-watch engaged in legal activism has filed a complaint with the…

A Rejoinder To TNM: A Missionary Propaganda Legitimizing Proselytization Passed Off As ‘Hindus Persecuting Christians’

In yet another instance of psychologically manipulating Hindus into doubting their own sanity, leftist and Dravidian…

“Missionary Propaganda”: Netizens Call Out TNM’s Report That Alleges Persecution Of Christians By Hindus In TN

In yet another instance of psychologically manipulating Hindus into doubting their own sanity, leftist and Dravidian…

Sanatana Dharma For Dravidian Stockist Dummies

Preface The Dravidian Stockists have an outlandish lexicon of their own in defining and describing terminologies,…

Manu Smriti: A Misconceived, Maximum-Maligned Manuscript

Disclaimer: The aim of this article is to bring out the lesser-known and deliberately overlooked aspects…

Dravidian Model Atheism: A Derisive, Derogatory, Deceitful, Dishonest Model

‘You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people…

G.U. Pope: A Garbage Evangelist Who Distorted Tamil Works With Nefarious Animus

Tamil Nadu Governor R.N. Ravi had hit the nail on the head with precision, perfection and…