Muslim police officer in UK posts racists messages on Twitter, was in regular contact with female jihadi

In another case of blatant hatred and bigotry, a Muslim police officer who was once hailed as a role model for bravely confronting anti-lockdown protesters is now facing an urgent investigation after it was revealed she regularly used her Twitter account to post racist messages and was in regular contact with a suspected female jihadi in Syria,  reports dailymail.

Photo of this Muslim police constable  26-year-old Ruby Begum wearing a hijab on the front line went viral last year, with senior colleagues calling her inspirational.

However, now it has emerged that Begum, who joined the Metropolitan Police in 2016 used Twitter to insult Jews and mock the 9/11 attacks and frequently used the offensive term ‘kuffar‘ to describe non-believers, writing in July 2014: ‘Kuffar lips have been all over my mug there is no way I’m using that thing again.’ Elsewhere she describes Pakistanis as ‘p***s’.

After this incident came to light, the Met launched an investigation and referred the matter to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, and placed Begum on ‘restricted duties’.

Now the Scotland Yard is investigating if Begam communicated with a woman who left Europe in 2014 to live under the Islamic State’s so-called caliphate.

Begum has been running a Twitter account under the name Ruby Beees since 2012, posting more than 25,000 messages, and gave herself the nickname Cookie and it seems most of her antisemitic comments was made in 2014 when Israel launched an attack against the Palestinian Islamic terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

In one of her tweets Begum wrote, “Dirty Zionist. Jahannam [hell] is awaiting.’ In another tweet, she wrote: ‘Israel have no limits. Scumbags I can’t wait for the day they get severely punished,”.

Later that year, she said, “Zionists have no hearts! They’ll get what’s coming to them subhanallah [glory be to God],” and gave false equivalence to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the Holocaust. She wrote in January 2015. “It’s alright when Israel does it #HolocaustRemembranceDay,”.

Ruby Begum, who was born in Wapping, East London and is one of six sisters and three brothers and her parents are from Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan. However, due to the genocide commited by Punjabi West Pakistan in 1971, Begum is hates Pakistanis.

In June 2013, she tweeted to a Twitter user called @rajab_96: ‘LOL [laugh-out-loud] it’s cos you tweeted about p*** stuff so I thought your [sic] p***. Are you a p***?’

But what is troubling is that on September 11, 2019, Begum tweeted, “Omg [O my God] it’s 9/11 today? Jokes, I only noticed,” and in another tweet, she said, “Must be stupid if you think I’m gonna do 2 mins silence for 9/10,”.

But what has gotten the investigators more interested is that she was in contact with suspected IS female jihadi with whom she communicated uses the online name Muslimah4Life. In one tweet, Muslimah4Life said she was using a Yazidi slave as a maid, “My maid (slave) taught me how to bake a Syrian bread, finally I made one on my own today. Alhamdulilah [praise be to God],”.

Ruby Begam is now under restricted duty until the investigation is completed.

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