Isha celebrates 23rd Anniversary of Dhyanalinga Consecration

The 23rd Annual Dhyanalinga Consecration Day was observed today at Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore. The Consecration Day event began at 6 a.m. at the Dhyanalinga with the magical chanting of ‘Aum Namah Shivaya’ by Isha Brahmacharis. As in previous years, Hindu and Buddhist chants and Christian and Sufi hymns were offered to the Dhyanalinga.

‘Sounds of Isha’ offered Buddhist chants such as ‘Buddham Saranam Gacchami’, & ‘Om Tara Tu Tara Tu
Ray Swaha’’, and & ‘Namo Ratna Trayaya.

Native American songs, South African chants, and Sufi hymns were also offered.

The two powerful mantras composed by Adi Shankara ‘Nirvana Shatakam’ and ‘Guru Paduka Stotram’ as well as Thevaram songs completed the musical offerings made to Dhyanalinga.

Residents of Isha Yoga Center participated in the event. At 6:10 p.m., the chanting concluded with
the ‘Nadha Aradhana’.

The Dhyanalinga was consecrated on June 24, 1999 by Sadhguru after about 3 years of intense
spiritual sadhana. It is the only Linga with all seven chakras energized to their peak. The Dhyanalinga
is a live energy form that can have transformative impact on those who seek its Grace. It is the
largest Linga consecrated with mercury.

(This is an official press release from Isha Foundation. The Commune was not involved in creating this content.)

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