Interim Bail Granted To BJP Supporting X User MumbaichaDon

Social media activist Vinit Naik, known by the moniker Bhiku Mhatre (@MumbaichaDon), has been granted interim bail after his controversial arrest by the Karnataka police. Naik’s detention sparked widespread outrage, with many accusing the Congress-led Karnataka government of attempting to suppress free speech.

The Karnataka government has faced criticism for detaining Bhiku Mhatre for allegedly commenting on the Congress manifesto. His arrest took place in Goa based on complaint lodged by J Saravanan from Srirampura led to an FIR against Bhiku Mhatrefor his tweet in the social media. The complaint alleged that the user’s post aimed to stoke communal tensions by fostering animosity between Hindus and Muslims.

Based on the complaint Bhiku Mhatre was apprehended in the South Goan city of Ponda and charged under the IT Act and section 153A of the Indian Penal Code, which pertains to promoting disharmony between different religious or racial groups. Prior to his arrest, he shared a screenshot of a legal notice from X’s legal team informing him of a court order from the Bengaluru City Magistrate regarding his account. He denied making any inflammatory or communal remarks, instead accusing the Congress of attempting to silence him for speaking the truth.

In this regard, the Honourable 45th Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (ACMM) Court of Bengaluru City has granted interim bail to Bhiku Mhatre in relation to Crime Number 017/2024, registered at the Cyber Crime Police Station in Bengaluru City on 21 May 2024.

It is to be noted, Bhiku Mhatre was arrested on 19 May 2024, just a day before the Lok Sabha elections. This arrest has been criticized as a vindictive move by the Congress Party, suggesting a pattern of suppressing dissent. Historical parallels have been drawn, notably to 1975 when then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed an emergency, silencing media and dissenting voices, highlighting a recurrent theme in the party’s approach to handling opposition.

BJP Leaders and Supporters Celebrate Court’s Decision to Grant Interim Bail


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