Indian Army conducts aggressive training at LAC, deploy cameras and satellite imagery to monitor Chinese troops

As the Chinese Peoples Republican Army (PLA) continues its aggressive poster in the Line of Actual Control (LAC), Indian Army soldiers are conducting aggressive training, vigorous physical exercise, and meditation to cope with rough climate conditions and terrains of the Eastern Sector in Arunachal Pradesh.

The soldiers demonstrated battle drills to destroy enemy tanks in the Tawang sector near the LAC as each side has deployed around 50,000 to 60,000 troops along the LAC in the sensitive sector.

Meanwhile, Indian Army Chief General M M Naravane said on Thursday, “There were 4-5 points of friction (between India and China during the border talks) and we have resolved all but one. I am sure in another couple of rounds — I can’t give a definitive figure whether one more or two more — we will be able to resolve these issues also as we proceed,”.

The Army Chief said, “What I would like to put across is that we should not expect a favourable outcome in every round of talks. There are always going to be some points of convergence, some differences. As long as we keep talking, we will be able to resolve those points of divergence and come closer and closer together and by and by resolve all the issues that are there. 

So once all of this is put together and I am sure we will be able to come up with a satisfactory resolution. And when I say satisfactory, it has to be satisfactory for both the sides and I am confident that will happen sooner or later,”.

“It is always our hope that all the differences can be resolved through dialogues and discussions but if that is not there and if the situation is forced upon us, then we are always ready to man our borders and protect our territorial integrity and sovereignty and that is a year-round affair,” he said.

“It is not as if it is only during the summer months…we are 24×7 always ready to take on whatever is thrown at us,” he added.

Also, in a new development, the Indian Army is deploying additional cameras and using satellite imagery to monitor Chinese troop’s deployment.

According to a defense ministry, “Additional digital cameras have been installed and satellite imagery is being used to watch Chinese movements along the LAC in the eastern sector. Recently, we have noticed aggressive patrolling by the Chinese troops in the eastern sector,” a ministry official told The Telegraph.

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