Former Vice Chancellor of MGR University gets two year sentence for money laundering

Mir Mustafa Usain was the Vice-Chancellor of Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai from 2006 to 2009. He had flown in on behalf of the university to attend a seminar in Washington in May 2008 during his tenure. He had reportedly booked a first-class seat worth ₹2,99,673 and subsequently cancelled it. He had then gone on to cancel the ticket and had booked a ticket in the economy class. By doing so, Mustafa had swindled over ₹2 lakh, since he had been allotted an additional ₹2 lakh for boarding and expenditure in the US.

Similarly, Mir Mustafa Usain has fraudulently obtained several lakhs in the pretext of attending conferences in countries like Australia, Norway, Germany and such. Due to suspicion over his assets, the Anti-Corruption Bureau had launched an investigation on him, which led to his arrest.

It was in this context that the case came up for hearing today. Chennai Anti-Corruption Law Special Court Judge Omprakash, M.G.R. Mir Mustafa Usain, a former vice chancellor of the Medical University, was sentenced to two years in prison and fined ₹24,000 on charges of conspiracy.

Meer Mustafa Hussain, who is also a recipient of the prestigious Dr B C Roy award, was the VC of the university between 2006 and 2009. He has a doctorate in Neonatology.