On 3 January 2025, Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials raided the residence of Tamil Nadu Water Resources Minister and DMK General Secretary Durai Murugan in Gandhi Nagar, Katpadi. The raid is reportedly linked to an ongoing investigation into a ‘cash for votes’ case and alleged money laundering related to violations of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines and financial misconduct by bank officials during the demonetisation period.
The raid began at 7 AM, but ED officials initially faced difficulty entering the residence as no one was home. While some officers waited outside, another team conducted searches at the home of DMK leader Pooncholai Srinivasan in Pallikuppam. The ED was supported by armed personnel from the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) to secure the area during the operation.
Allegations of Financial Irregularities
Durai Murugan and his son, Kathir Anand, a sitting Lok Sabha MP, reside together. In 2019, the Income Tax (IT) department raided their residence and uncovered ₹10 lakh in unaccounted cash. Following this, additional raids were carried out on properties linked to Murugan’s associates, including Srinivasan’s cement warehouses, where more unaccounted cash was found. A total of ₹11.51 crore was seized across six locations, including large amounts of new ₹200 notes. These operations led to broader investigations into alleged financial misconduct.
The investigation revealed possible cash transactions at a nationalized bank branch in Katpadi allegedly used to influence voters during the 2019 elections. As a result, cases were filed against Kathir Anand, Pooncholai Srinivasan, and others at the Katpadi police station.
Reason for Recent Raid?
Sources suggest that Friday’s raid is connected to the previous financial irregularities and misuse of funds during the 2019 election. While Durai Murugan was in Chennai, meeting with Chief Minister MK Stalin, DMK workers and supporters gathered outside his residence to show solidarity.
In response to the situation, a team of officers, led by the Deputy Superintendent of Police, was deployed to maintain law and order and prevent any disturbances. The raid is still ongoing, and further details are expected.
In Chennai, Durai Murugan met with Chief Minister Stalin at the Secretariat to discuss the ED search. Murugan said to the media, “I don’t know who came to my house. Even the workers don’t know who arrived. I only know as much as you do about the inspection.”
(With Inputs From ETV Bharat)
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