Doctor shares heartbreaking visuals of son singing on videocall to his dying mom in corona ICU ward

The Coronavirus pandemic has increased the number of people who have lost loved ones such as family, relatives and friends. The worst part of this coronavirus disease is that loved ones are in a situation where they are unable to give the victims love, support and courage from the sidelines, even if they are on the verge of death.

On top of that, doctors and nurses have been stretched and are working in a stressful environment on a daily basis.

In light of this, a doctor has shared on Twitter the heart-wrenching tragedy of her experience of working in the Corona ward. Dipshika Ghosh, a doctor working in the emergency department, made a video call from her mobile to the son of a dying patient in the ICU.

Dr Dipshika Ghosh shared in a Twitter thread that said, “Today, towards the end of my shift, I video called the relatives of a patient who is not going to make it. We usually do that in my hospital if it’s something they want. This patient’s son asked for a few minutes of my time. He then sang a song for his dying mother. He sang Tera Mujhse Hai Pehle Ka Nata Koi. I just stood there holding the phone, looking at him looking at his mother and singing. The nurses came over and stood in silence. He broke down in the middle but finished the verse. He asked her vitals, thanked me and hung up.

The thread continues, “Me and the nurses stood there. We shook our heads, our eyes moist. The nurses went back one by one to their allocated patients and attended to them or the alarms of vents/dialysis units. This song is changed for us, for me at least. This song will always be theirs.

“After having obtained proper permission, I would like to inform you that the mother’s name is Sangamitra Chatterjee and the son’s name is Soham Chatterjee. My deepest condolences. You, your voice, your quiet dignity, are her legacy,” the thread ended. It is safe to say that this post, which has been shared by thousands on Twitter, has touched the hearts of millions of people.

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