Christians convert Christians: Evangelical missionaries indulge in converting people fleeing war-ravaged Ukraine

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, it has created a massive refugee crisis in Europe as hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are fleeing for their lives, and Christian evangelical missionaries are targeting vulnerable Ukrainians who are predominantly orthodox, reports Mission Kaali.

Ben Lewis, chief international correspondent of Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) is presumably reporting from the Ukraine-Poland border in a tweet said, “At the Ukraine/Poland border. Tired women and children leaving their country. They’re being pestered by American preachers telling them they all need to accept Jesus as their saviour and their lives will be better. Receiving a lot of eye rolls in response,”.

There are copious videos and photos of American missionaries preaching as tired and haggard Ukrainians are getting off the trains at the Poland-Ukrainian border. The conflict has created nearly 2 million refugees who have come into Poland.

Overall there are 3 million refugees have fled Ukraine to other border states, including Hungary, Moldova, and Romania.

However, missionary groups are trying to take advantage of this situation by asking them to convert instead of offering any real material help like food, clothing, medical care, and shelter. 

Franklin Graham son of Billy Braham who was perhaps the greatest evangelist in a recent article on Samaritan’s Purse said, “are deploying life-saving medical care to aid people who are suffering. We want to meet the needs of these families in their darkest moments while pointing them to the light and hope of Jesus Christ”.

It is a matter of Christians trying to convert Christians because the American Evangelical Missionaries do not consider the Orthodox sect or Roman Catholics as legitimate.

In a shameful but not surprising gesture the American missionary organisation, Awakening Europe, is offering empty faith healing, as boasted about on their Facebook page.

American journalist Josh Marshall who is the founder of TPM Media in a tweet said, “State Rep who wrote a plan to organize a mass killing of liberals to found a Christian theocracy in America just showed up in Poland with dozens of Ukrainian children he wants to bring to America for adoption,”.

The most concerning development coming out of the Russian invasion is of a former American state representative possibly trying to steal Ukrainian children and bring them to the USA.  Former Washington state representative Matt Shea has been in the town of Kazimerz Dolyny, in Poland.  He is with a group of Ukrainian children supposedly in different stages of the adoption process, supposedly on the behalf of a US nonprofit called “Loving Families and Homes For Orphans”.  

Matt Shea is reportedly involved in multiple domestic terror incidents in the US. The organization ‘Loving Families and Homes for Orphans’ also seems to be a problematic organization as it was registered in Florida just a month ago.

(With inputs from Mission Kaali)

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