The Madras High Court has ordered increased security inside the court campus following allegations that country bombs were exchanged among accused individuals linked to the murder of BSP leader Armstrong. The court directed the Tamil Nadu State police to implement additional security measures to safeguard the premises, which include the city civil court, family court, tribunals, and lawyers’ chambers.
The CISF manages the security of the High Court building itself, but the broader court complex falls under the purview of the Tamil Nadu State Police. A bench of Justices SM Subramaniam and M Jothiraman issued directions for the installation of baggage scanners and frisking equipment at the court premises, emphasizing the need for thorough security checks.
The court specifically instructed the state police to ensure the security of lawyers, litigants, and court staff by enhancing measures at the entrances and conducting discreet checks. The justices also recommended deploying plainclothes officers to gather intelligence and carry out necessary actions according to the law. CCTV cameras were also suggested to be installed in strategic locations within the court complex to further bolster security.
In a bid to improve compliance with these measures, the court called on lawyers and bar association members to cooperate with security protocols, including scanning and frisking. Lawyers were encouraged to arrive at court in advance to facilitate these procedures without causing undue delays. The court also granted lawyers the right to approach police authorities with any grievances regarding the security measures.
The recent calls for tighter security come in the wake of the murder of BSP leader Armstrong on 5 July 2024, which has been linked to a retaliatory motive involving the death of history-sheeter Arcot Suresh in 2023. The investigation has led to charges against 30 individuals, with several also being detained under the Tamil Nadu Goondas Act. However, the preventive detention orders are currently being challenged in court.
During a previous hearing, the Additional Advocate General (AAG) revealed that the accused had allegedly exchanged country bombs within the court campus. This raised concerns about the safety of the individuals involved and prompted the court to order a status report on the investigation.
The court expressed concern over the present state of security, stressing that the High Court premises, as a sensitive area, must be protected to prevent dangerous incidents. “What if tomorrow someone brings in knives or swords? We have to secure the lives of innocent lawyers,” the bench remarked. While acknowledging that security measures may cause some inconvenience, the court emphasized that such measures were essential to instill a sense of deterrence and ensure the safety of all within the court premises.
(With inputs from Live Law)
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