Appreciation Certificate Issued To Karur TASMAC Officials Withdrawn, Text Changed And Returned

The recognition of Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (Tasmac) officials for revenue-generating activities in Karur during the Republic Day celebrations on Thursday sparked a row. However, following social media backlash, the DMK government rescinded the certificate.

Collector T. Prabhushankar presented appreciation certificates to P. Shanmugavel, District Manager, Tasmac, Sivakumar and Arumugam, supervisors, and Krishnamurthy, salesman, on Thursday.

The Tasmac employees were recognised for their exemplary work in generating revenue for the State-owned Tasmac, which operates Indian-Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) outlets throughout the state, according to the certificates.

The appreciation certificates were widely shared on social media, primarily by those expressing their dissatisfaction with the State government setting targets for increasing revenue by selling liquor through Tasmac outlets.

Social activists and opposition parties claimed that it was inappropriate to honour TASMAC employees during the Republic Day celebration for increasing TASMAC sales. After receiving backlash, the DMK government withdrew the certificates of appreciation given to four TASMAC employees.

It has now been reported that the phrase “cretificate for generating more revenues for TASMAC” was replaced with “certificate of appreciation for excellent work in TASMAC administration” and the certificates have been returned to the four TASMAC employees.

(with inputs from DailyThanthi)

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