“A wound that had been unnecessarily festering put to rest”: Sadhguru on Ram Janmabhoomi

A day before the ground-breaking ceremony at Ayodhya, Sadhguru, Founder, Isha Foundation, tweeted, “Peaceful Resolution of #RamTemple dispute put to rest a wound that had been unnecessarily festering. A lot of minds & hearts are cooler now. May the whole nation celebrate this resolution and resurrection of spirit of nationhood and unity,” referring to the Supreme Court’s verdict on Ayodhya that has paved the way for temple construction on a long-disputed land. He added that the resolution of the conflict would put an end to “unnecessary friction going on endlessly between two communities.” Sadhguru was responding to a question on the relevance of the temple and of Rama in contemporary India.

“The temple is important because in many ways – at least in the northern part of the country – Rama is their spirit. So it is not just another temple. It is a resurrection of India’s spirit because it is not just one particular denomination or religion (that) looks up to Rama. There’s a whole lot of people who belong to other religions who also want to emulate him, who also eulogise him in many ways,” Sadhguru said.

Referring to Rama as an icon and not God, Sadhguru stressed, “It’s very important that he is a man. If he becomes a God, you’ll hang him on the wall and forget about him. Nobody ever tries to emulate a God, you must understand this. God means he’s beyond emulation. So it’s extremely important that he is a man.” He said that Rama is celebrated because he went through severe trials and tribulations in life and yet remained untouched by them. “His passion for the wellbeing of his people was limitless to a point of self-sacrifice which is eulogised in so many ways through Ramayan. Absolute passion for everything, total dispassion for myself – this is what he encapsulates,” said Sadhguru adding that this was a quality worth emulating.

On 9 November 2019, the Supreme Court of India delivered its verdict on the disputed site at Ayodhya and paved the way for the construction of a Rama Temple. It also allocated a 5-acre plot to the Sunni Waqf Board to build a mosque.

The foundation stone ceremony for the Rama temple will be held tomorrow at Ayodhya in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and less than 200 invited guests. Iqbal Ansari, one of the litigants in the dispute, received the first invitation for the foundation stone ceremony. Ansari, while accepting the invitation termed it as “Lord Ram’s wish”.