1947: When Nehru Govt Turned To RSS To Rescue Hindu, Sikh Women From Pakistan

Even when the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) and Indian National Congress (INC), with its chief Jawaharlal Nehru, always had conflicting ideological differences in their path to taking the country forward, despite political differences and occasional conflicts with Nehruvian policies, the RSS has generally advocated for the unity and integrity of the nation. This stance helped to maintain a cohesive social fabric during challenging times when internal or external threats to India’s stability emerged.

The RSS has historically engaged in relief work and social service activities during natural disasters or communal tensions. This has sometimes eased the burden on government resources and infrastructure. For instance, RSS volunteers have aided and assisted affected populations during floods or earthquakes.

Recently, a newly discovered letter from 1947 shows that India’s Defence Minister requested assistance from the RSS to rescue 20,000 women in Lahore. RSS volunteers crossed into Pakistan to facilitate their rescue operations. Around 1947, amidst the chaos of partition, where Hindu and Sikh communities were facing widespread violence and abduction of women, then Defense Minister Sardar Baldev Singh suggested in a letter to Home Minister Sardar Patel that the RSS could be instrumental in assisting. This letter also shared with Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, highlighted the urgency of the situation, noting that thousands of women and girls had already been abducted from West Punjab.

In his communication, Baldev Singh, a minister in Nehru’s government, explicitly recommended utilising RSS resources. Reports indicate that RSS volunteers crossed into Pakistan to aid affected populations, rescuing many. This historical document has recently gained traction on social media following the Modi government’s decision to lift a ban imposed by Congress over five decades ago.

In the letter, Baldev Singh expressed grave concern for non-Muslims in West Punjab, stressing that almost no place in the region was untouched by the crisis of women and girls being kidnapped. His recommendations included appointing rescue officers with the necessary authority and, if required, deploying police and military support for effective rescue operations.

Furthermore, Baldev Singh noted the potential assistance of local informants, including youths willing to gather intelligence by adopting Islam if necessary, emphasising the critical need for accurate information gathering. He proposed that RSS could train personnel for field operations, suggesting consultation with RSS leader Shri Golwalkar (Guruji) for further guidance.

Before this letter, RSS volunteers had already been active in aiding those trapped in Pakistan, which likely prompted their mention during this critical juncture. The book “Now It Can Be Told” by AN Bali, published in 1949, details how RSS volunteers organised transport and security measures to evacuate Hindu and Sikh women and children to safety amidst the violence in Punjab.

Even Congress leaders in several Punjab districts sought RSS assistance to protect their own families and communities. Subsequently, Home Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel acknowledged in a letter dated 11th August 1948 to RSS leader Golwarkar that the RSS had played a crucial role in safeguarding Hindu society during these tumultuous times, emphasising the efforts of RSS youth in protecting vulnerable women and children.

The letter reads, “I have a feeling that we have not fully appreciated the happenings in the Punjab and the enormous damage which Pakistan people and government are inflicting upon us. Their scheme have been pretty well laid pretty memtty well ie statements laid, what they say in various conferences and public statements is quite contrary to their acts, and it does by now seem that it is the deeds of the underlings which reflect the truth of things; and if this is not so then I’ve not the least hesitation in saying that no government function in West Punjab. On of the matters of grave concern is the plight of non-muslim youth particularly, young girls who have been systematically abducted. The design seems to be to ruin the martial people.

So far as objections are concerned, there is not a single village or town in the west Punjab which has not suffered. The number of women abducted is large and seems to follow a pattern. I have been told that in shakargarh tehsil about 500 young girls were removed from the families of, “DUTT”Muhiyals alone who have been setlled from times in memorial in the village of Kanjrur Dattan, Virun Dattan, Fatehpore, Nangal, Mianwali, and Kapurdev. Many of these unfortunate girls are reported to be lodged in the surrounding village. The number of abductions in the whole whole district of Sialkot and shakargarh tehsil is said to be more than 20,000. This is perhaps an exaggerated figure but i will not be surprised if it is correct. Recovery has been practically nothing. A young officer, Lt. GN Sinha now in the Kyumaon regimental centre, Agra who was previously in the boundary force, is said to be in possession of a good deal of information . I am making arrangements to send for him to get some definite clues.

A plan to rescue abducted girls has been suggested as follows: 

  1. Rescue officers be appointed in both the dominions 
  2. Such officers be notified to the respective governments 
  3. Respective government shall be responsible for the lives and properties of the officers, as also for the lives and properties of their establishment, which those officer might employ in that territory. 
  4. Such officers and staff be afforded all possible help by the police and military of their respective government as and when required.
  5. Some dominions military might also be allowed in the other dominions for this work, as this allowed for the protection of convoys.   
  6. A joint statement by both the premieres be issued at once on such agreed facilities, so that the rescue work can start imminently on scientific lines. 

To felicitate this work, it is absolutely essential to also organise a secret service. Some of our enthusiastic young men are prepared to even embrace the Islam to act as informers in that area. This seems to be the only way, we can get reliable information and I feel we should not hesitate to take the help of such people. this men might be regularly employed by the intelligence department under a special superintendent of police. Some details have been suggested of this organisation necessary and I gave them her consideration:

The superintendent of the police and the 20 deputy superintendents of police of the highest integrity should be selected from among the existing police force. The Rashtriya Swayam sewak Sangh will supply trained men for “field work” and shree Golwarker jee, the head of the sangh in India might be consulted. Others such organisations in the Punjab, still secretly working can also be asked to give help.I shall be glad If you will you kindly give this…. your serious thoughts and let me know if something can be done.

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