Kerala Origin Woman part of radical left group “Richmond Strike” charged for vandalizing John Marshall Courthouse

Lakshmi Menon along with three others – Julius Dela, Kyra Nguyen and Brian Quach, part of a far left radical group called “Richmond Strike” were arrested for vandalizing businesses and the John Marshall Courthouse as a Tuesday night solidarity event turned violent with vandals breaking glass panes and making graffiti.

It was reported that the group indulged in antifa style riot in Richmond, Va. where businesses & a courthouse were smashed up with hammers and crowbars.

The Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney was quoted saying in the NBC12 that “overnight rioting left 22 windows damaged at the John Marshall Courts Building and a trail of damage at other businesses in parts of downtown.”

The group had damaged the Wells Fargo building, the Omni hotel and a Starbucks in the area.

Mr. Stoney said “The vandalism of our courts building and downtown businesses last night was unacceptable and misguided… Those working peacefully for change are welcome here. Those intent on creating chaos and confrontation, who riot and commit violence against our community, will go to jail. Period.”

Police officers seized several weapons like hammer, metal crowbar, etc from the arrested members.

The Richmond Strike group identifies itself as “an autonomous decentralized network for direct action in Richmond.”

The John Marshall Courts Building has been closed again for repairs.