Facebook and Instagram ban content on gay conversion

Content regarding conversion therapy that aims at forcefully changing an individual’s sexual orientation has finally been banned on all social media platforms by Facebook and Instagram. 

“We don’t allow attacks against people based on sexual orientation or gender identity and are updating our policies to ban the promotion of conversion therapy services.” Tara Hopkins, Instagram’s public policy director for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa said in a statement to CNN.

Research has shown the numerous negative effects that conversion therapy, such include – depression, drug use and suicide.

According to Instagram, the ban is applicable worldwide as a part of the expansion of hate speech policies. The ban is aimed at shutting down organisations in Africa, Europe, the US and other religions trying to promote the practice online. Germany is the only country where conversion is banned, the report noted.

Facebook is also looking at banning political ads in the US ahead of elections in November. It is in the discussion stage and nothing has been finalised as of now, Bloomberg noted.

United States President Donald Trump and former Vice President and democratic nominee Joe Biden have spent a combined $29.2 million on ads, according to the company’s self-reported data.