YouTube Allegedly Promoting Rabid Left And Congress-Supporting Creators While Suppressing Viewership Of Non-Left

A few YouTube channels have raised concerns about an alleged orchestrated reduction in their viewership of their channels due to alleged interference from YouTube.

These creators claim that YouTube has been systematically restricting their reach while promoting content from certain left-leaning commentators.

The channels assert that they are facing a significant disadvantage due to what they describe as a lack of a level playing field. They believe this suppression has had tangible effects, particularly noticeable during election periods.

Rohan Dua of The New India highlighted the issue by pointing out that, on the Prime Minister’s channel, videos by left-leaning Congress-supporting commentators like Ravish Kumar are often suggested at the end of their own content. “At the end of my own interview on the PM’s channel, I get Ravish Kumar’s video as a suggested follow-up,” he said.

Another example provided was a Jalandhar speech by the Prime Minister, after which a suggested video featured Rahul Gandhi congratulating an individual from Ayodhya. This skewed recommendation system, they argue, diverts viewers from their content to opposing viewpoints.

The creators also named several content creators they believe are being unfairly promoted, including Ravish Kumar, Ulta Chashma, Abhisar Sharma, Dhruv Rathee, and Ajit Anjum. They have called for their supporters to help amplify and voice this issue, seeking to bring attention to what they perceive as biased treatment on the platform.

As these allegations gain traction, the affected creators are urging YouTube to address these concerns and ensure a fairer distribution of viewership and recommendations.