Web portal launched for identifying beneficiaries for ‘PM CARES for Children’ scheme

Ministry of Women and Child Development has launched the web based portal pmcaresforchildren.in to facilitate submission of applications, identification of children eligible to receive support under the ‘PM CARES for Children’ scheme and processing of applications for securing benefits to them. The module on Child registration and identification of beneficiaries has been made functional. The portal shall be regularly updated with necessary information and modules.

‘PM CARES for Children’ scheme was announced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi for supporting children who have lost both parents or surviving parent or legal guardian or adoptive parents due to COVID-19 pandemic. The scheme aims to ensure comprehensive care and protection of children who have lost their parents to COVID pandemic, in a sustained manner. It enables their wellbeing through health insurance, empower them through education and equip them for self-sufficient existence with financial support of ₹10 lakh, on reaching 23 years of age.

All children who have lost both parents or surviving parent or legal guardian/adoptive parents due to COVID 19 pandemic, starting from 11.03.2020 till the end of pandemic, shall be entitled to benefits under this scheme.

The District Magistrate to conduct a drive for identification of these children, with the assistance of Police, DCPU, Childline & Civil society Organisations. Children who have lost both the parents to COVID, requiring support under the scheme, may be produced before CWC by Childline (1098), District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) or any other agency or individual, within 24 hours of noticing the Child, excluding journey time. DM may accept the recommendations of CWC or seek a review through CWC or DCPU. DM may make an independent assessment about every child recommended or not recommended by the CWC. The DM may be assisted by the Child Protection staff, Police, Childline or any other agency deemed fit for the purpose. After satisfying herself, DM may confirm the eligibility of the Child on the portal for the scheme. Decision taken by DM regarding the eligibility of a child under the scheme shall be final.

(Published from PIB)

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