A violent clash between school students at the Teppakulam bus stand in Madurai has sparked widespread concern. The incident, involving students from a government-aided school, was captured in a viral video showing two groups of students attacking each other while waiting for a bus.
The footage shows several students ganging up on an individual, with more than five attackers targeting one student at a time. Even though a student was bleeding, they did not give up the fight. At one point, stones are thrown on the road, creating a hazardous situation for both motorists and pedestrians.
The incident has shocked the public, especially since it occurred in an area with 24-hour police surveillance. Social activists and concerned parents have condemned the act, with many criticizing the students for such violent behavior.
The clash has raised serious concerns about safety in public spaces and students’ behavior outside the school environment.
#BREAKING || ரத்தம் சொட்ட சொட்ட மாணவர்கள் மோதல்
மதுரையில் ரத்தம் சொட்ட சொட்ட ஒருவரை ஒருவர் தாக்கிக் கொண்ட மாணவர்கள்
தெப்பக்குளம் பேருந்து நிலையத்தில் நடைபெற்ற மாணவர்கள் இடையேயான மோதலால் பரபரப்பு#Madurai #Theppakulam #SchoolStudents #Fight #ThanthiTV pic.twitter.com/mAZY6rfSvn
— Thanthi TV (@ThanthiTV) December 3, 2024
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