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‘Utterances by the cine actor absolutely unnecessary and unwarranted’: HC comes down heavy on actor Surya for being ignorant and crossing borders of fair and just criticism

In a strongly worded order, the Madras High Court while declining to initiate contempt proceedings against actor Surya, asked him to consider his words before speaking.

Chief Justice AP Sahi rejecting Justice SM Subramaniam’s request to initiate contempt proceedings against the actor said “A statement made in exuberance may bring about a trial and, therefore, in view of the peculiar status on which this institution is pedestalled under the Constitution, it would be prudent on the part of the individuals to carefully frame their minds and express themselves that may not cross the borders of any fair and just criticism.”

The Court came down heavily on Surya and said “Drawing support from what we have expressed herein above, we find that the utterances by the cine actor may have been absolutely unnecessary or even unwarranted, for being ignorant of the manner in which the entire judiciary of this State has served the interest of its citizens during this pandemic, and any such statement could have been avoided in a much more sober way, instead of an accusing tone, which though trivial in nature has raised a storm in a tea cup.”

However, the Court noted that the matter did not deserve to be pursued any further agreeing with the opinion expressed by Advocate General. It noted that it was not its job to use a sledgehammer to avoid something which can be perceived to be not capable of even being propped up as a contempt, much less debated to the level of a criminal contempt.

Actor Surya Sivakumar, who of late finds himself in news more for his virtue signalling positions than for his movies, courted trouble after he wrote an elaborate letter voicing out his opinion against the conducting of NEET exam.

In his letter, Surya took a jibe at the courts saying that “while the courts dispensed justice through video-conferencing for fear of infection, they order students to be fearless and write exams in person.”

This comment has not gone down well with the judges fraternity. Justice SM Subramaniam of the Madras High Court wrote to Chief Justice AP Sahi to initiate suo motu criminal contempt proceedings against the actor for his unsolicited opinions on the court.

Noting that such comments would lead to a erosion of public confidence on the judiciary, Justice SM Subramaniam had said in his letter that “The said statement in my considered opinion amounts to contempt of Court as the integrity and devotion of the Hon’ble Judges as well as the Judicial System of our Great Nation are not only undermined but criticised in a bad shape,”.

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