US Federal Judge gives Bolton’s book the green signal

Despite President Trump’s heated tweet storm against John Bolton and his recent book, “The Room where It Happened”, the US federal court has ruled that Bolton can go forward with publishing the book.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth who gave this ruling said that this case involved core First Amendment and national security concerns. But the judge also made clear his concerns that Bolton had “gambled with the national security of the United States” by taking it upon himself to publish his memoir without formal clearance from a White House that says it was still reviewing it for classified information.

Soon after the following verdict, President Donald Trump tweeted, saying, “Bolton broke the law by releasing Classified Information (in massive amounts). He must pay a very big price for this, as others have before him. This should never to happen again!!!”.

In his book, Bolton mentions Trump “pleading” with China’s Xi Jinping to help Trump’s reelection prospects. Bolton writes that Trump linked the supply of military assistance to Ukraine to that country’s willingness to conduct politically charged investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter — allegations that were at the heart of an impeachment trial that ended with Trump’s acquittal by the Senate in February.