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UK jihadist Anjem Choudary wants Taliban to impose Jizya on non-Muslims in Afghanistan

Rabid Islamic preacher of Pakistan decent Anjem Choudary who was recently released from prison has said that the Taliban must impose “jaziya” also known as “infidel tax” on non-Muslims living in Afghanistan.

Anjem Choudary who is the founding member of Islam4UK that wants Shara law to be imposed in the United Kingdom has been a motivator of jihadi fighters and dozens of terrorist murders have now called on the Taliban to impose a stricter form of Islamic justice, including stoning adulterers, chopping off the hands of thieves and lashing anyone caught drinking alcohol.

What is even more significant is that Choudary wants the Taliban to change the name of Afghanistan to Islamic State, which is what ISIS called its territory once it declared a caliphate.

“There should be the removal of all borders and an invitation to all Muslims to become citizens of the new Islamic State with the aim to unite the Muslim land of the Indian sub-continent to begin with, to be the precursor of greater unity under the Khilafah (caliphate).”

Choudary was jailed five years ago for supporting the Islamic State terror group and was banned from speaking in public following his release. However, the ban was lifted last month which means he is now free to spew his venom of hate without any fear of being sent back to prison.

Now out of prison and free to express his views, Choudary said, “The penal code or Hudood is the right of Allah to cut the hand off the thief, stone the adulterer, implementing capital punishment upon the apostate and lashing those who drink alcohol (all after due court process and evidence) must be implemented without question and hesitation.”

He also suggested that British and American forces were legitimate targets, urging Taliban fighters to point their guns at ‘occupying forces’ and anyone who ‘stands in the way of implementing the rule of Allah’.

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